Conception (The Wellingtons #4) - Tessa Teevan Page 0,116

Knox, who didn’t even know about him, came back for you. And when he did find out, he dove in headfirst. I just think, after all this time, it wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world if you decide to see where it goes.”

“Sunny, it’s not just about me anymore. I have a baby to think about.”

“Exactly, Amelia.”

She’s right. I know it. It’s not like Knox and I ended on bad terms.

We just…ended.

“I love him, Sunny,” I whisper like it’s a secret so great that the world would end if too many people knew.

“He loves you, too.”

I swallow hard, wishing it to be true. “Do you think so?”

“Don’t be a nitwit, Meems. Why else would he be here? He didn’t know about Branson. Hell, he practically bit my head off when I wouldn’t tell him where you were. The look on his face? It was the look of a guy in love with a girl he was desperate to find.”

“He went to Mickeys?”

“First, he came here. Grandma tried telling him off. According to her, all he did was scowl until she closed the door in his face. The woman swears he was going to break down her door. But you know her; she’s watched too many episodes of All My Children. All the scandal’s gone to her head. That and the blue hair dye.”

“Knox would never break her door down. Mine? That’s pretty much a given.” I laugh for what feels like the first time in forever.

Sunny nods her agreement. “He came stormin’ into Mickey’s like the dogs of war were on his ass. I may have given him a bit of sass.”

My eyebrows narrow. While I may be conflicted about the future with Knox, she should have told him immediately where I was.

“Calm down! It took about two seconds for Joe to commandeer the conversation and spill the beans of where you were without telling him about the baby. That’s when Knox’s face went pale. If he hadn’t been so determined to get to you, I’m afraid he might’ve passed out right there on the bar floor. And it’s a good thing he didn’t. It’s Sam’s turn to mop the floors and you know how not thorough he can be.”

I bite my lower lip, remembering what Knox said in the hospital. Sunny’s right. He didn’t know about Branson, yet he came back to Crystal Cove looking for me. That had to mean something good, right?

Sunny takes my hand. “He’s here, Amelia. And he didn’t hightail it back to Nashville the moment he found out about Branson. From what I’ve seen? He was born for the role of proud papa. Give him a chance. Hear him out. Let. Him. In.”

Easier said than done.

“It’s not that simple, Sunny.”

She starts to protest, so I squeeze her hand.

“But I’ll try. For Branson.”

“And for you.”

My heart flutters at the thought.

I hope like hell she’s right.

Because if she’s not, I’m not sure I can handle the heartbreak of losing him a second time.

My conversation with Sunny took a bit of the edge off. She lost the attitude from the night at the bar. I wasn’t bitter about it. She was just trying to protect her best friend, and for that, I can be grateful. A little. Okay, not really, but since I can’t wring her neck, I decided to forget about it. The chagrin in her expression probably helped.

“Knox, I’m so sorry. I can’t help but feel like this is partly my fault. When you gave me your info, I stored it in the drawer at Mickey’s. I had no idea Mickey would get a bug up his ass and decide to go on a fall cleaning spree and get rid of it.”

I raised an eyebrow. “Mickey did that?”

“Yeah. It happens every couple of years. Usually he gives us plenty of notice. Not this time. Guess he figured it was just some random phone number and address. Not to toot my horn or anything, but when Joe’s not in the bar—or when his back’s turned—I get a number every now and then.”

“Not surprised at all, Sunny. Makes sense why Mickey would just toss it.”

“Anyways, I felt like an absolute twit. I shouldn’t have left it there in the first place.” She let out a deep breath. “I guess… I just thought you’d come back. A lot sooner than now.”

I toyed with the label on my beer bottle. “I should have.”

She offered me a warm smile. “Don’t worry about that. You’re here now.” Then she Copyright 2016 - 2024