Collateral Damage - Giulia Lagomarsino Page 0,84

have it,” I said, grinning playfully at him. “It makes my stomach hurt.”

He sighed and sat down on the bed. “Okay, then what else sounds good?”

“Honestly? I’m not really sure. How about you start naming stuff and I’ll tell you if it sounds good.”

“Are you serious?”


He sighed and flopped back on the bed. “Okay, how about Thai food.”

“Too spicy.”


“We just had Italian.”


“Hmmm. That could be good.”

“Steak it is.” He sat up, but then I changed my mind.

“No, wait. I don’t really want steak. It sits so heavy in my stomach. And I really like it better when it’s grilled. And nobody is grilling on an actual grill right now outside,” I said, gesturing to the windows that showed the approaching winter weather. “You know what? You just choose something and we’ll eat it.”

“You’re sure?”

“Yep. I’m pretty easy.”

I thought I heard him grumble something under his breath, but when I turned around, he was smiling. I followed him into the living room and grabbed my purse and coat, ready to get this horrible trip over with. We walked into the hallway and a smell instantly struck me. I sniffed the air and turned to Robert with big eyes. “Is that pizza?”


My eyes widened even further and he sighed. “So, you want pizza?”

“If it’s not too much trouble.”

“Do you mean we could have saved five minutes of my life by just opening the front door and letting you sniff the air?”

“Hey, I can’t help it. Sometimes just reading about food makes me go crazy for it.”

“Are you sure you’re not pregnant?” he joked.

“You know, you say that like it’s funny, but one of these days, you’ll say that to a woman and she actually will be pregnant. I’d love to see your face then.”

And with that, I wrapped my coat tight around me and headed for the elevator.


I leaned back in the plush chair and stared up at the ceiling of the department store. When Anna said that she didn’t like to shop, she wasn’t joking. She couldn’t pick an outfit to save her life and she was snapping at the ladies that were trying to help her. She criticized every single outfit that I suggested and even threw one at me when I told her that it would make her look classy.

She flung back the curtain and stepped out, her eyes darting to everywhere in the store but at me. She really sucked at allowing people to compliment her. The sales women were hiding at this point, and I was terrified to open my mouth. The outfit she threw at me previously had a belt attached and I now had a welt on my forehead.

So when she stepped out and looked at me in challenge, I shrank back in my seat and swallowed hard. “What do you think of this one?” I said slowly, hoping I wasn’t offending her in some way.

“This one isn’t horrible.” She rolled her eyes, throwing her hands on her hips. “But I feel like an idiot. I would never be caught dead walking around in something like this.”

She was being so dramatic. She was wearing a pair of skinny black pants that cut off just at her ankle with a pale pink blouse and a blazer that had the sleeves rolled up. To top it off, she had a pair of black heels that I could imagine wrapping around my body later tonight. But she didn’t like any of it, even though she looked classy.

“You look great,” I said, steering for a more neutral tone.

She looked down at herself and sighed. “I guess one outfit won’t hurt, but I’m done shopping.”

“Thank God,” I muttered under my breath.

“What?” she snapped. “This was your idea. I never wanted to go shopping and buy these clothes.”

“Most women would love to go shopping.”

“I’m not most women.”

“I can see that,” I said testily.

She slowly walked up to me, her heels clicking on the tile as she sauntered up to me. In truth, the clicking of her heels, the sassy look on her face, and that damn outfit had me hardening with every step she took. It was a shame that the dressing rooms were only curtained off. I would have taken her back there and fucked right up against the wall, other shoppers be damned.

“Don’t push me, Robert. This isn’t me. Don’t try to make me into something I’m not.”

I glared back at her, even though I really wanted to grab her hair and pull her in for a kiss. She Copyright 2016 - 2024