Collateral Damage - Giulia Lagomarsino Page 0,7

singing my lungs out as I drove further out of town. I turned down my road, but didn’t make it more than a hundred feet when my car started stuttering. Frowning, I turned down the radio and listened as my car slowly spluttered to a stop. I turned off the ignition and tried again, but nothing happened. The engine wouldn’t turn over.

“Shit.” I slammed my fist down on the steering wheel. What was I going to do? I pulled out my phone and searched for a number for a tow truck. I was just pulling the number up when headlights pulled up behind me and the car door slammed. I wasn’t stupid. I was staying in the car with my doors locked. There was a tap on my window and I scowled as I looked at the bane of my existence. Irritated that it had to be him that pulled up behind me, I unrolled my window.


“Are you having car trouble?” he asked. Robert Cortell. Ex-boyfriend, destroyer of lives and happiness, evil villain that probably kicked puppies for fun. And worst, total douchebag that broke my heart. I hated him.

I glared at him. “No, I was thinking about having a picnic, so I pulled over to find a good place to stop. Leave me alone. You’re interrupting me.”

“Why don’t you pop the hood and I’ll take a look,” he said, ignoring me completely. He walked around to the front, but just for kicks, I ignored him. I continued searching on my phone for a tow truck. I would call them and have them pick me up and take me home. Robert could go screw himself.

I was just about to call when he reached inside and unlocked the door. Before I knew it, the door was yanked open and he was popping the hood.

“Hey! What are you doing?”

“Looking at your car.”

“I don’t need you to look at my car.”

I got out and hustled around to the front of the car where he was bent over, looking at the engine. I scoffed when I saw him. He was in a fucking suit that probably cost more than a year’s utility bills. His hair was slicked to one side, and it made me want to murder him. I hate that he turned into this pretentious suit. It didn’t really matter what he was like. I wasn’t sure why I was pissed. It wasn’t like we were going to end up together or anything. But when I looked at him, there was no sign of the boy I once knew. All that I saw was a rich asshole that only cared about money and where he could get in life with that money.

I didn’t need the light of day to see that he was even more good looking than when we were kids. He still had that beautiful dark, wavy hair and gorgeous blue eyes. When I closed my eyes at night, I still saw him staring at me with that hypnotizing gaze. I could tell that he had bulked up over the years, not that I hadn’t already checked him out the last time I saw him. His jawline was harder, sexier. It was so wrong.

“Did you try starting it again?”

“No,” I said sweetly. “When it died, I just threw up my hands and decided it would be best not to test the engine.”

He smiled and glanced up at me. ”It’s nice to see that you still have that wonderful personality.”

“It’s amazing how decisions in life can shape you into the person you are. I see going off to that fancy school turned you into a pretentious prick.”

He nodded. “It looks like sensors went out in your engine. It’s not something I can fix.”

“Like I would let you.”

“And what were you planning on doing? I mean, besides planning a picnic in the middle of the night.”

“There’s this amazing new service called a tow truck. You call them and they take you to wherever you need to go, and then tow your vehicle to a shop for repair. You should check into it.”

His jaw hardened and he shook his head. “You were going to call some random guy out here to help you? Do you realize how dangerous that is?”

“People do it all the time. And besides, it’s not a random stranger. The guy owns the garage in town and I happen to know his sister.”

“Oh, well,” he threw up his hands. “I’m so glad you know his sister! Because all guys that have Copyright 2016 - 2024