Collateral Damage - Giulia Lagomarsino Page 0,6

“Don’t give me that bullshit about how badly I treat you. You didn’t even bother to ask my name, and I know I didn’t get yours. You came here to get one thing from me.”

“I didn’t have to ask your name. I already knew it,” she sneered.

My eyebrows raised, but not at all in surprise. “So, you knew who I was and you came here to get what? Did you think I was going to fuck you and fall in love with you? You should have been a little less obvious about your endgame.”

Her nostrils flared and she reached out to slap me. I caught her hand and held it tight in my fist. “Don’t you ever try and slap me again. When you throw yourself at a man, you’ll get treated like a whore. Word of advice, next time you expect more from the guy, get his name and share yours. Then, don’t fucking go home with him that night.”

“You prick,” she spat.

I smirked and stepped back. “You can get your shit and get out.”

“Gladly,” she sneered.

I called the cab company and ordered a cab for her. Even though I didn’t have to, I went ahead and gave my card number to pay for her cab. She came storming out moments later and slipped her shoes back on.

“The cab should be here any minute.”

“I don’t want your money.”

“If I believed that I might have asked you to stay.”

She glared at me one last time before walking out my door. I locked it behind her and ran my hand down my face with a sigh. I really needed to stop fucking every random woman that hit on me. I was tired of dealing with the bullshit, but I also knew there would never be another woman out there for me. Anna was it, and I fucked that up thirteen years ago.


“Oh, and I need you to schedule-”

“The appointment with the Bensons,” I interrupted Eric. God, he was irritating me. The man was a control freak. He hired me to do a job, but he was constantly looking over my shoulder to make sure everything was done. I was good at my job and I knew what I was doing. I didn’t need him to remind me of every last little detail. “Eric, I’ve got this. Everything is ready for tomorrow. Go home to Kat and leave me to finish this up.”

He sighed and ran his hand over his face. “Are you sure?”

I rolled my eyes at him. “I swear to God, if you don’t get out of here, I’m going to quit.”

His eyes widened and he shook his head slightly. “I’m leaving.”

“Good,” I snapped.

He grabbed his coat and walked out the door. When I finally heard the click of the door, I relaxed back in my office chair and sighed. Things were always more difficult when he came into the office. He always felt he needed to know every last detail of what was going on. And I understood that. This was his business, but you had to trust someone, and I would never screw him over. I wasn’t that kind of person.

I wrapped up the last of my emails and sent Eric an email with the invoices that needed his approval. I shut down my computer and turned off all the lights before locking the door and heading out. The days were getting shorter, meaning that when I left work, it was already dark out. I got in my car to head home, if you could call it that. I lived in a single-wide trailer that used to belong to my parents on a half acre of land. It was basically falling apart, but it would do for now. I had been saving up for a place of my own ever since I got this new job. It was slow-going, but I was hopeful that in another year, I would have the money I needed for the down payment on a house. I had something very specific in mind, and that was what I wanted. I didn’t want to settle for anything less. So, if that meant that I lived in this trailer for another year, but then I had my dream house, I would take it.

I pulled onto the road out of town and turned up the music on my radio. I was a sucker for country music from the nineties. I rarely listened to anything else. Friends In Low Places came on and I cranked the music, Copyright 2016 - 2024