Collateral Damage - Giulia Lagomarsino Page 0,69

of us couldn’t. But right when I was about to tell her how amazing she was, Mr. Mosley walked up with a cocky grin on his face.

“I knew you would come through for us.”

I smiled, but I really wanted to punch him. He didn’t know I would come through, and frankly, it was bullshit that he even said that considering he was holding my job over my head.

“And with Anna on the team, I’m sure Rebecca will be satisfied.”

He turned to walk away, but I stopped him. “About that…Anna’s going to need to meet with HR to sign a temporary employment contract.”

His brows furrowed and he shook his head. “And why would she do that? There’s really nothing more for her to do. She’ll make an appearance when needed, but-“

I stepped into his space, cutting him off. “She needs a contract. We only have this contract because of her. And if she’s going to be on call with this firm, she will be compensated for her time.”

“Robert, you’re talking about maybe two or three meetings.”

“And she will be compensated,” I repeated.

He huffed, shaking his head slightly. “Fine. I’ll have a contract drawn up for her.”

I nodded and turned to Anna with a big smile. She held back her smile, glancing around at everyone that was passing. I took her by the elbow and led her into my office, shutting the door behind us. She grinned and jumped up and down for a moment, raising her arms in the air. I grabbed her around the waist, spun her around, and pressed her up against the door, kissing her hard on the mouth. I hadn’t meant to do it, but when I saw how happy she was, I just couldn’t resist.

Her fingers threaded through my hair and her tongue clashed with mine. God, she felt so good in my arms. I couldn’t control myself. I had to have her. I yanked myself away from her on that thought, breathing hard as I tried to collect myself. She looked at me in shock, wiping at her mouth gently with the tips of her fingers.

“I’m sorry,” I said, still breathing hard. “I just…” I ran my hand through my hair, cursing myself for being such an idiot. I wasn’t going to get her back if I just took from her. She needed to know that things were different, that I wasn’t the asshole she thought I was. “I saw you excited and I wanted to kiss you. It won’t happen again.”

When my gaze finally met hers, I was a little shocked to see that she didn’t look like she was in agreement with that. But just when I thought she might tell me to kiss her again, she nodded.

“You’re right. I told you this wasn’t going anywhere, and it’s not. We definitely shouldn’t do that again.”

I nodded and straightened my tie and my jacket. I needed to pull myself together.

“So, what exactly does it mean for me to be on the team?”

I cleared my throat and sat behind my desk. “Um…well, when we meet with her, you’ll need to be there, and you’ll need to appear as my fiancé. It shouldn’t be more than a few meetings. I’m sure she’ll want us to do most of the legwork without having to continue to come in.”

“Okay, so this should be pretty easy then. Do I need to study or something?”

I chuckled and shook my head. “No, I’m sure we’ll be able to navigate this just fine without you going back to law school.”

She laughed. “Yeah, I’m pretty sure that’s not in the cards for me.”

“Why not?” I asked, suddenly very curious.

“Robert, I don’t even have enough in my savings account for the downpayment on my house. I definitely don’t have the money for school.”

“I told you I would pay you. I meant that. Especially after what you accomplished today. That was amazing.”

“I did that for you. I told you that. Besides, I have a job I love. The last thing I want is to start my life over by going back to school. I mean, it felt really cool to be in that room, but I don’t think I’m cut out for this life.”

“And what life is that?” I asked coolly.

She chuckled humorlessly. “Robert, I can tell you’ve earned your place here, yet your boss is holding your job over your head because of a client. He’s an ass.”

“I know that.”

“And yet you stay and work for him. Why don’t you start your own firm?”

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