Collateral Damage - Giulia Lagomarsino Page 0,48

the house. He had one in every room, but I didn’t understand any of it. It was like when I got in his car and he asked me to hook up his bluetooth. First, what the hell was bluetooth? Second, I was excited that my car had a tape deck. He had all these fancy touchless buttons on his car and I didn’t have the first clue how to use them. Okay, fine, I knew what bluetooth was, but as far as the rest, I was clueless.

I grabbed the keyboard, sure that I could figure this out based on the graphics. It couldn’t be that hard, right? I saw three vertical lines and underneath a plus and minus sign. Okay, so that must be curtains and they could be raised or lowered? Curtains usually went side to side, but what the hell? I hit the plus sign over and over, hoping something would happen. I heard yelling in the bathroom and then a crash. I sat up and quickly rushed to the bathroom door, flinging it open. Robert was lying on the floor, panting and kicking at the shower door to close it.

“What’s going on?”

“The temperature shot up. It was scalding.”

My eyebrows shot up. “Wow, that’s dangerous. You should have that looked at.”

“Did you touch the controls?”

I looked at him funny. “I was in bed. How would I have touched the controls?”

“On the touchpad,” he said, standing and grabbing a towel off the towel rack. I watched his abs flex as he wrapped the towel around himself, covering up his insanely hot body. I sighed when it was covered.

“What?” I asked, remembering that he asked me a question.

“Did you use the touchpad?”

“In the bedroom? Uh, yeah, I was trying to get the blinds to go up.”

He sighed and grabbed my wrist, dragging me behind him. He picked up the control panel thing and held it in front of me. “Show me what you touched.”

I searched for the button again and then pointed to it. “That one.”

“That’s for the shower,” he said irritatedly.

“Really?” I looked at it closer, tilting my head to the side. “It looks like a curtain.”

“Do you see any curtains in here?”

“Um…no, but why would you have a button for the shower on a control thingy out here?” I asked, waving the keyboard around.

“Because I can set the temperature before I get into the shower.”

I stared blankly at him. “You have too much money on your hands if you can’t even adjust the water temperature manually.”

“It’s a luxury that I happen to like. I won’t apologize for that.”

“I’m not asking you to, but I also won’t hesitate to call you a dumbass for having a control panel for your shower. What’s next? Do you have a preset for the oven on here also?”

He glared and snatched the keyboard out of my hands. “I thought we were supposed to be getting to know each other better.”

I snorted. “I am, trust me, I’m getting to know a lot about you, and from what I can tell, you’ve lost the ability to do even the simplest tasks without a computer guiding you. I bet you even have a timer telling you when it’s time to get laid.”

He tossed the keyboard on the bed and pulled me against him. “No, but my dick tells me just fine.”

He tossed me down on the bed and climbed on top of me, ripping my nightshirt over my head. His lips latched onto my nipple as his fingers moved down my body.

“You’re so damn mouthy,” he grumbled, skimming his lips over my body.

“Did your keyboard tell you to say that?” I said, breathing heavily as I yanked his head back up to my mouth. I rolled him and climbed on top, rubbing my pussy against his cock.

“What happened to the sweet, innocent girl that I used to make love to under the stars?”

I grabbed his cock and slowly sank down on him. “She grew up and realized that if you let people walk all over you, they always will.”

He thrust up inside me and I hissed at the burn. He was big and I was still sore from the last time we fucked. “That’s what you think I’m doing?”

“I don’t know. “ I started riding him harder, lifting my hair off my shoulders to thrust my chest out. He sat up and took a nipple in his mouth, sucking hard. “I don’t know anything about you anymore.”

“I’m still the same man. The packaging is just different.”

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