Collateral Damage - Giulia Lagomarsino Page 0,47

for the door. I called the driver to pick us up, and helped her with her wrap. It was silent the entire short drive back to my place. I didn’t know what to say to her. Did she not want what I could give her? Or did she not actually want to give me a chance? I didn’t have the answers and I wasn’t about to discuss it in a car with a stranger.

I stepped out and helped her out of the car, then walked with her through the door, nodding to the night doorman.

“How are you, Ed?”

“Couldn’t be better, sir. There’s nothing like a beautiful Chicago night.”

“Except for a beautiful Chicago day,” I retorted with a grin.

He laughed and slapped me on the shoulder. “You’ve got me there.”

He smiled and said hello to Anna, but she only smiled uncomfortably back.

“Have a good night, Ed.”

“You too, Mister Cortell.”

We walked to the elevator and made our way up in silence. I was fuming. I hadn’t expected her to be rude to the doorman of all people. When I unlocked the door and we were inside, I finally lost it.

“So, what’s the problem? Is the doorman not good enough either? Did he do something to you too?”

“What are you talking about?”

“You couldn’t say hi?”

“Robert, I don’t know him. And frankly, I’m a little uncomfortable having someone open my door for me like a servant.”

“It’s his job, Anna. He gets paid to do it, and he’s one of the nicest guys I know.”

“Fine, I get it. I was being rude. I wasn’t trying to be, but I don’t fit in here. I don’t know what the protocols are around here. This isn’t my life!”

“Would you stop it!” I shouted. “I’m not asking you to transform into some Stepford wife. I asked you out to dinner, not to a gala that caters to the rich and famous.”

“No, but you expect me to dress up like one. Is that what this whole parade of dresses was about? You want me to look a certain way when we go out?”

“No,” I exploded. “I wanted to treat you to something nice. I wanted to spoil you. I wanted to give you just one fucking nice night! Is that really so hard to swallow? You can’t accept something from me because I’m the evil bastard that left you?”

She stood there staring at me, her jaw hanging open in surprise. “Is that what you think this is about?” she asked quietly. “Robert, this isn’t about me blaming you. I just…” She sighed and ran a hand across her forehead. “This is a lot to take in. I’ve never lived with all of this. I live on a budget and the nicest thing in my closet is laying on my bedroom floor in a ball. And I’m okay with that. I don’t want all the nice stuff and to be dressed up pretty. It’s not who I am. And I understand that you just wanted to take me out for a nice night, but you have to give a girl some warning. You’re throwing all this at me and I don’t know how to handle it. I need time to adjust to the way you live, and if we’re going to take a shot at this, then you have to give me that.”

“You’re right,” I nodded. “I moved too fast on all this.”

“I’m not saying that I don’t want this,” she said, walking over and wrapping her arms around my waist. “I do want to try, but maybe with a little less glamour. I just want to spend time with you right now.”

As hard as it was to hear, I could understand. Anna had never been about what money could buy her, so me shoving all this in her face, wanting her to dress up and taking her to that fancy restaurant was probably way too much for her. I should have known how uncomfortable she would be, but I was more worried about impressing her and giving her the things I wanted her to have.

“I’m sorry,” I said, kissing her on the lips.

“Me too. I should have behaved better.”

“Let’s just forget about it. Let’s start over tomorrow and just have a nice day together.”

“I’d like that.”

“Good. Now,” I said, swooping her off her feet. “We’re going to finally get to see what makeup sex is all about.”


I woke up in luxury, but I still wasn’t used to it. There was some magical keyboard that controlled all the electronics in Copyright 2016 - 2024