Collateral Damage - Giulia Lagomarsino Page 0,119

he was referring to me. I’d worked my ass off for a place in this firm, but I also knew that I had demanded a lot yesterday, and that didn’t leave a good taste with the senior partners.

“Oh, don’t look so worried,” Cameron jeered. “It’s you.”


He smiled. “You’ve deserved this for a long time. We all knew that Mosley was stalling. We just didn’t know why. You’ve earned this. We all know you’re the best damn attorney here. Our top clients come here to work with you, and we all know what an asset you are. We’d be proud to have you sit at our table.”

“Thank you,” I said, reaching out to shake his hand. “You have no idea what this means to me.”

“Yes, we do. We’ve all been there.” He jerked his head toward the door. “Go take your vacation and be ready to close the Morrison case when you get back.”

“Thank you.”

I left the office with a smile on my face, but that immediately fell when I saw Rebecca stepping off the elevator. I glanced at my watch. I had promised Anna that I would be back by lunch and we would head out of the city. Depending on what Rebecca wanted, this could ruin those plans.

“Rebecca,” I said with a smile. “It’s good to see you. Is everything okay?”

“Yes, I’m just finishing up plans for moving after Christmas. Nearly everything is in place.”

“That’s great. The sooner we can set up everything in New Hampshire, the sooner we can get you what you want.”


“So, how can I help you?”

She hesitated for a moment and then smiled. “I have a wedding present for Anna. I’ve been keeping in touch with her and she’s really made this transition easier for me. You know, that fiancé of yours is very smart.”

“I know,” I grinned. “She’s perfect.”

“I was hoping to see her before the wedding. When is it again?”

The lie slipped out before I could stop it. “December twenty-fourth.”

“Christmas Eve,” she smiled. “That sounds perfect. Only a few days left of bachelorhood.”

“Well, I can’t say that I’m too upset about that. When you find the right person, it doesn’t feel like you’re leaving anything behind.”

She nodded, and I could see the sadness in her eyes. It made me feel terrible for deceiving her. I hadn’t meant to. I only wanted her trust. I would stand by my word and get her everything and make sure that rat bastard husband of hers got nothing. The part I played with Anna was only to make her trust me, but I didn’t think she would see it that way.

“Would you give these to Anna for me?” she said, holding out a small box. I eyed her and then took the box, opening the lid to see a beautiful pair of blue earrings.

“These are very nice,” I said warily. “Expensive.”

She shrugged lightly. “I can afford it. Besides, every bride needs something blue on her wedding day.”

“She won’t accept this. It’s too much.”

She held up her hands. “I insist. You don’t know how many times I’ve called Anna to chat already. I must be driving her insane.”

“One thing you don’t know about Anna, she never pretends to be anything she’s not. She’s the most honest person I know.”

“Which is how I know I can talk to her. She’s the only female that knows what I’m going through. And you’re right, she’s very honest, but she’s also down to earth. I can’t remember the last time I had a female friend that talked to me just because I called. Everyone wants something from me. You’re very lucky,” she said with a sly smile. “If I were a different woman, you’d have competition.”

I barked out a laugh, thinking about Anna’s reaction when I would tell her that tonight. “I have something you’ll never have.”

“A penis, yes, I’m aware. And very grateful.”

“No, I have her heart, and I have for the past fourteen or so years.”

“Then don’t make the same mistakes my husband made.”

She smiled before turning and heading to the elevator. I held the box in my hand, wondering what Anna would think about all this. I was telling the truth when I said Anna was one of the most honest people I knew. This would eat at her, knowing that Anna felt the same way and spent so much money on her all because of a lie. Hopefully, Rebecca would never know the truth.

“So, are you all ready for the big day?” I asked Eric as he slipped Copyright 2016 - 2024