Collateral Damage - Giulia Lagomarsino Page 0,115

hard, shaking as I opened my mouth to tell him. I really hoped he didn’t end up in jail when I was done. “He grabbed my arm and held me against him. And…and he put his hand under my dress.”

His jaw was clenched tight and his fists were working like crazy. This was very bad. “Stay here.” He turned to leave.


“Just stay here. I need to have a meeting with the board members.”

“Now?” I asked incredulously.

“Yes,” he said, spinning around to meet my gaze. “Right fucking now, because Mosley will never enter that office again by the time I’m done with him.”

“Can’t we just leave? I don’t want to stay here.”

He sighed heavily and walked to me, pulling me out of the room. He wrapped his arm around me and guided me past the crowd, pushing past the curious onlookers that were talking about me. He grabbed my coat from the coat check, but didn’t grab his own.

“What are you doing?”

“Sending you home.”

My mouth gaped in shock. “You’re not coming with me?”

“I have to take care of this.”

“No, you need to come with me.”

“Anna, I can’t let that man get even one word in to the board. I need them to know what happened first, before he has time to concoct some asinine story.”

“Fine,” I said, not wanting to argue with him. I understood that he had to take care of this, but I wanted him with me. I didn’t want to be alone right now. He led me out to a cab and directed them to take me home. The last thing I saw was him walking back up the steps to the building, leaving me all alone.


Pissed didn’t even come close to what I was feeling right now. I hadn’t ever felt this angry in all my life. This was the second time that I hadn’t protected Anna, but it wouldn’t happen again. I would make sure that Mosley didn’t stand a chance of ever working as a lawyer again. I didn’t have proof of what he had just done to Anna, and I already knew he was slick enough to talk his way out of anything. But I had contacts in the business too. I could make sure that no firm would ever hire him again. But first, I needed him off the board in our firm.

I gathered all the senior board members and asked them to meet in one of the private rooms off the ballroom. When they were all gathered, I explained to them what had just happened. Most of them looked horrified, but some didn’t seem surprised at all.

“I want him off the board. I want you to ensure that he never steps foot in the office again.”

The others looked at each other, but Mr. Dawson was the one to speak. “Robert, do you have any proof?”

I narrowed my eyes at him. “He was in the women’s bathroom. Tell me, what the fuck do you think he was doing in there?” No one answered. “What if it had been your wife? Or yours?” I asked Mr. Holland. “He attacked my girlfriend in the bathroom and threatened to have me disbarred if she didn’t do what he wanted. How many others has he done this to? Do you really want this kind of man working at the firm? He’s a lawsuit waiting to happen, and you know if it’s happened to Anna, any good lawyer could find others. We need him out of the office now.”

“And then what?” Holland asked.

“Then you make your decision on senior partner.”

“Is this a threat?” Dawson asked. “You want him out so that we’ll make a decision on you?”

“This has nothing to do with me, other than the fact it was my girlfriend that was attacked. Make me a senior partner or don’t. Either way, I want him out of the office. And by tomorrow morning, I want every other firm in Chicago to know what scum he is. Cameron,” I said, turning to one of the longer running board members, “you have contacts in New York, D.C., and Los Angeles. I want to make sure he never practices again.”

“But why not just go to the police?” Dawson asked.

“Because I don’t have any proof,” I said irritatedly. “Mosley is good. Do you really think he’ll go to prison for assault? Even if we can find other women that he’s assaulted, that’ll take time, and there’s still no guarantee that he’ll go to jail. Meanwhile, my girlfriend will be harassed by Copyright 2016 - 2024