Collateral Damage - Giulia Lagomarsino Page 0,114

looked up, right into the eyes of Mr. Mosley. He was standing behind me, an evil look on his face. That feeling of nausea returned tenfold, but I had to be smart here. He was in the ladies bathroom and I was all alone with him. Now wasn’t the time to panic.

“What are you doing in here?”

His hand brushed against my arm and I stiffened. “I just came to let you in on an offer.”

“You have nothing I want.”

His hand slid up my arm and rested on my bicep. The hairs on the back of my neck were standing tall and everything in me screamed that I needed to run.

“Even Robert’s career?”

“What are you talking about?”

I felt him inch closer until he was right behind me. His grip tightened on my arm to the point of pain.

“You’ve been very useful, but I imagine we haven’t seen all of your potential.”

I felt his other hand slide to the slit in my dress and then his hand was on my thigh. My heart hammered in my chest as I tried to find the best way out of this.

“I’m done with your firm. I won’t be helping out in any other way.”

“I can still have your boyfriend disbarred,” he said as his hand slid just over my panties. I didn’t think. I just reacted, lifting my shoe and slamming the heel down on his foot. He yelped in pain, but he didn’t know pain yet. I slammed my fist back as hard as I could into his nuts, and when he bent over wheezing, I slammed my elbow back into his face. Blood gushed from his nose, spilling down the front of his crisp, white shirt. I grabbed my clutch from the counter and ran for the door, slamming into Robert as soon as I opened the door.

“What-“ His gaze landed over my shoulder and then he met my eyes, rage boiling inside his. He shoved me to the side and stormed into the bathroom. I heard a yelp of pain and then a scream. Security raced around me, running into the bathroom. A crowd started to gather around the bathroom, and soon, everyone was staring at me. It was then I realized that I had Mr. Mosley’s blood on me. It was on my shoulder, dripping down my arm. His nose must have gushed all over me.

Robert appeared behind me, grabbing me by the arm and dragging me down the hall. He opened a door and pushed me inside, slamming the door behind him.

“What the hell-“

“Why was he in there?” Robert asked accusingly.

“Excuse me?” I asked in shock. Was he accusing me of doing something with his boss? “Whatever you think happened in there-“

“I know exactly what happened in there, and now I want you to spell it out for me.”

His rage was at a tipping point. I needed to calm him down before he did something really stupid, but if I told him the truth, it would only set him off. If I didn’t tell him the truth, this would never end.

“This didn’t start tonight, did it?” he asked.

I shook my head. “No, it didn’t.”

“When? I noticed that he took a little interest in you, but I thought it was only because of how you were helping out. What did he do to you?”


“Goddamnit!” he yelled, slamming his fist against the wall. I jumped back in shock, my eyes wide as I stared at the man before me flying off the handle. This wasn’t like him at all. He spun around and got in my face. “Tell me what the fuck happened.”

“Robert, you need to calm down,” I said as evenly as possible. He took a deep breath and stepped back, but I could tell he was anything but calm right now. “It started when Rebecca said she wanted me to help out with the case. He cornered me and told me that you needed this case to get senior partner. But he didn’t leave it at that. He also threatened to have you disbarred if I didn’t help keep Rebecca as a client.”

His jaw clenched hard, but he didn’t react other than that.

“And tonight?”

“He came into the bathroom. He-“ I cleared my throat, rethinking telling him everything. “He wanted me to do things to ensure he didn’t have you disbarred.”

His eyes slipped closed for a second, and when they reopened, I knew he knew. “He touched you.”


“Don’t fucking lie to me. Not now. Tell me exactly what he did.”

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