Coffee Cup Confessions - Trish Williford Page 0,77

three more months before making her debut, she and I are pretty tight. Team Baby Girl and Daddy all the way.”

I’m fully aware that I’m already in trouble. “She’s going to have you so wrapped around her tiny finger.”

He leans his head against mine, a sweet smile gracing his handsome face. “I can’t wait.”

“Me either.”

We slowly move together until the song is over.

Jake grabs my hand and brings it to his lips, kissing my knuckles. “You ready to go home?”

I’ve been ready for a half-hour. “Yes, I’m ready.”

On the way home, we drive by Mama Java’s and Layers of Love, my bakery.

The bakery has been thriving since it opened two and a half years ago. So much so that, last year, I was able to buy the property outright. Taking the leap to start a storefront was the best move I could have made, and it’s all because of Jake. Where he should have given up on me, he held on to what he knew we had, which is a love that doesn’t come along often.

We pull into the driveway of our house, and I’ve never been so happy to be home. My shoes are kicked off once entering the entryway, and I sigh too loudly at the instant pain relief.

Jake laughs behind me and locks the door. “I’m going to go upstairs and run a bath for you, and then I’ll rub those swollen ankles.”

Oh, that sounds so perfect that I close my eyes, already basking in the glory of having my feet massaged. “Uh, I really need my feet rubbed. Thanks, babe.”

He stops on the second stair and frowns. “Why are you thanking me? I’ll be rubbing my swollen ankles while you’re in the tub.”

That earns him a dirty glare, but it only causes him to laugh.

“I’m just kidding. Go get a bottle of water and come upstairs.”

With aching feet, I hobble out into the kitchen and grab two cold bottles of water from the refrigerator. One is never enough for me, and I always end up drinking half of Jake’s. Usually, I regret my decision in the middle of the night when I have to pee fifteen times.

The struggle is real.

Climbing the stairs feels like I’m conquering Mount Everest. I’m beyond tired, and I’m seriously tempted to skip out on the bath for a quick shower and take a rain check on the foot massage. When I push the bedroom door open, I stop dead in my tracks.

The flickering of candles dimly light the bedroom, giving it a romantic feel. Hundreds of white circles are hanging from the ceiling at eye-level, and it takes a moment before I gasp in recognition of what they are.

Coffee cup lids.

Jake is sitting on the edge of the bed, watching my reaction.

“Jake, what’s going on?”

“I found your box of coffee cup lids with my confessions that you kept. I wanted to show you that no two lids were ever the same. Each is unique. Like you.”

Tears well up in my eyes, although it’s not hard to make me weepy these days. “This is really special. Thank you.”

“Take a stroll through memory lane and see if you can remember when I wrote them.”

When I take the first lid in my hand, the memory instantly returns to me. “This was from the first morning we were in Curaçao. Your snoring is cute. For the record, I don’t snore.”

He laughs softly. “How would you know? Keep going.”

I continue through the maze of lids, finding confessions from the first time he told me he loved me to our first anniversary. Some of them were even from after fights, one of which says, I’m pissed, but I still love you. In the very back, a single lid is hanging alone. I slowly walk up to it, realizing a ring is tied to the lid. In black writing, the one question most girls dream of hearing in their lives is right in front of me.

“Marry me?”

Jake takes the string that is attached to the ring and gently unties it with shaking hands. He holds the stunning white gold ring in his hand and kneels down onto one knee. “It took me months to figure out the most awesome proposal in the history of proposals. It wasn’t until last week when I was cleaning out the spare room for the nursery that I found the box full of lids. I had no idea you’d kept every single one, and after reading all of them, I knew I had to use them for the proposal. These are all memories of our past, and I wrote this one tonight with hopes of making more memories with you in the future.

“I love you, Misha Lynn Gallagher. I want to take care of you for as long as I live. I want to be the best husband and father for you and our baby girl. I want to be the man who you love until the end of time. Will you let me write on your coffee cups for the rest of our lives? Will you marry me?”

A few tears run down my cheeks, and I’m trying to hold my emotional pregnant self together. “Yes.”

He cocks his head to the side with a playful smirk. “Yes to what? Marrying me or the coffee cups?”

A bubble of giggles escapes my lips. “To both. I’d be honored to be your wife.”

He slides the ring onto my puffy finger, kissing it after it’s in place. My God, the round cut diamond sparkles beautifully against the candlelight. Jake stands and kisses me with such passion that my knees nearly buckle, and I’m thankful he’s holding on to me tightly.

“I was really nervous,” he admits with a chuckle.

“Did you really think I would say no?”

“No, I didn’t … but it’s still one of the most important moments of a man’s life. I wanted to make sure it was perfect.”

“It was so perfect,” I assure him.

“Misha, can you tell me one thing?”

I frown at his worried expression. “Of course.”

“What does HAF J mean?”

My head falls onto his shoulder, and I laugh, almost forgetting about that nickname since Drew hasn’t used it in so long. “It means, Hot As Fuck Jake.”

His brow hits his hairline, and he can’t help but laugh. “You think I’m hot, huh?”

“Yeah … you’ll always be my Hot Coffee Shop Guy.”


This story has been such a long time coming. It was originally a new adult book titled Honest. The story never felt right, and I let it sit on my laptop for five years. It has been rewritten three times, and finally, Misha and Jake are being introduced to the world.

My biggest cheerleader on the project has been my cousin, Carrisa. Peeps, we share so much more than just DNA, and I can’t imagine life without you.

Eric, thank you for putting up the tent in the backyard for Lila for a mini-camping retreat so I could finish my book. I’m sorry that you went through all that work for her to come inside at midnight and abandon the camp out. Lila, thanks for keeping Daddy busy so I could finish my book. You’re the best tiny human in the world.

Nicole, you’re my writing soul sister. I cherish our friendship and all your words.

Ally, your blog is my favorite and so are you. Thank you for your support, I’ll let you have John Krasinski just this once.

The Fan Girls, you girls are amazing and I love all your big hearts.

Anna, thank you for yet another beautiful cover.

Jovanna, you definitely deserve a vacation and all the wine for dealing with my horrendous edits. Thank you for your beautiful work, as always.

To the readers and bloggers, it still blows my mind to think that someone other than my family or friends willingly reads my stories. You all are amazing, and I’ll be forever grateful.

About the Author

Trish Williford resides in West Virginia with her husband, daughter and bulldog. She works in Human Resources during the day and writes her heart out at night. When not writing, she enjoys spending time with family and friends, attending concerts, reading, and drinking wine.

Also by Trish Williford

The FanGirl Series

Falling For the Rookie

Chasing the Ballgirl

Playing the Shortstop

The Counting Stars Series

Never Look Back

Never Let Go

Stand Alones

Beautifully Unexpected

Written with Carrisa Gordon Copyright 2016 - 2024