Coffee Cup Confessions - Trish Williford Page 0,76

for. Are you ready to marry Noah now?”

She smiles and holds her hand out to Dad. “I’m ready. Are you ready, handsome?” she asks him.

Dad walks up, extending his arm for Mandy to take. My big sister looks absolutely breathtaking in her wedding gown.

Our family has grown so much closer over the last few years, and it’s been a true blessing.

Mandy and I have been through rough patches, but since making amends three years ago, we’ve become closer than I ever imagined we would be. Mandy has matured tremendously over the last few years, and I’ve learned to let the past stay in the past.

Mandy and Noah reunited about six months after Jake and I did. True to her word, Mandy had worked her ass off to get Noah back. They had their mountains to cross, but they’ve made it out on the other side, stronger and deeply in love.

The doors open once again, and this time, it’s my turn to walk down the aisle. Having hundreds of eyes on me feels really awkward, but I smile as I walk past numerous familiar faces. Finally, I find the chocolate pair of eyes I’ve been searching for.

Jake is sitting in the first row on Mandy’s side of the church, holding my mom’s hand. He’s watching me intently as I make my way to the front of the church. I wink at him and stop to kiss my crying mother on the cheek before taking my spot as maid of honor.

Noah is looking at me when I glance his way. He gives me a nervous smile before mouthing the words, Thank you.

I give him a nod before turning my attention to Jake. Everyone in the church but Jake is turned toward the back doors, waiting for Mandy to appear. We smile at one another, and I hope that, someday soon, we will have our day to say our loving vows.

The stronger, louder chords of the wedding march echo off the walls of the sanctuary, alerting the guests to stand for the bride. The doors open, and I immediately turn to the groom. Noah’s jaw drops at his first glimpse of Mandy, which then makes me cry. I’ve always thought the groom’s reaction to his bride is the best part of the entire ceremony, and this wedding isn’t any different.

Dad slowly leads a sobbing Mandy down the aisle, passing friends and family who are present to share in the most important day of my sister’s life.

As vows are being exchanged, I laugh to myself. Never would I have thought ten years ago that my boyfriend would someday become my brother-in-law. It’s quite comical now, but it’s taken a long time to get to this point. Mandy has found her happily ever after, and I was lucky to find mine in a beautiful, chaotic mess.

The night is winding down, leaving only the hard-core partiers on the dance floor.

Mandy and Noah left the reception a half hour ago to start their new life as husband and wife. I was ready to walk out the door behind them, but Jake asked if we could stay just a little longer.

The band starts playing a familiar ballad, and Jake extends his hand. “One more dance before we head home?”

My feet ache from the ridiculously sky-high shoes that Mandy made me wear today, but I can’t turn Jake down. He circles his arms around my waist, pulling me tightly against him. I rest my hands around his biceps, and we start swaying along to the music.

“I think today went well, all things considered,” he says.

“I think today went very well,” I agree.

He grabs a piece of hair that fell out of my updo, tucking it behind my ear. “Believe me when I say, I always think you’re pretty, but tonight, you are absolutely gorgeous. You’re not supposed to show up the bride.”

“Whatever. She was what a picture-perfect bride should look like.”

Jake shakes his head. “Not my bride.”

A silly grin comes across my face. “Oh, yeah? What’s your bride supposed to look like?”

“Like you. Only you.”

I’m practically a melted puddle on the dance floor. “Well, maybe, one day, we’ll see about that.”

He lowers his head, bringing his lips to my ear. “Not maybe one day. But someday soon.”

“Who says I’m going to marry you?” I whisper in his ear.

He chuckles. “Me. And her.” He gently rubs his hand over my quickly expanding baby bump.

“Oh, is that right? You two are ganging up against me?”

Jake chuckles. “Yep. Although she still has Copyright 2016 - 2024