Coffee Cup Confessions - Trish Williford Page 0,70

I yearn to stay right here and watch him for the next hour and a half, but I know I have something more important to do.

“He is hot!” I yell in Drew’s ear.

“Too late to try to cover it up, bitch. Besides, I see the hickey on your neck!”

My hand immediately covers my neck, causing Drew to smile smugly.

“Told you! I totally lied. You don’t have a hickey. At least try to be more excited about being this close to Bryson. You’re wasting perfectly good fan space right now! I’m fantasizing about what I would do to that piece of meat on the stage.”

“I’m going to go talk to Jake,” I tell him.

Drew’s eyebrow hits his hairline. “Jake must have a pretty big dick for you to brush off that model of perfection onstage!”

“His sister is going to come sit with you. I’ll meet you outside after the show.”

He rolls his eyes. “Suit yourself. I’m not moving until they wipe his sweat off the stage!”

Jake and Carrisa are waiting for me, as promised, and Carrisa springs into my arms.

“I’m so excited to finally meet you, Misha! Jake has told me so much about you, including how he screwed up. Please listen to what he has to say. I promise my brother isn’t always this much of a bonehead.”

“It’s nice to finally meet you too.” I hand her my ticket and nod toward the stage. “My seat is in the second row. You should go enjoy the show with my best friend, Drew.”

Her mouth drops open as she stares at the ticket in awe. “Like, the actual second row from the stage? Seriously? You’re giving that up for my lame-ass brother?”

Jake glares at Carrisa. “You’re supposed to be helping.”

“Sorry, but nothing is worth giving up being that close to Bryson.” Carrisa squeals.

“Go before she changes her mind.” Jake waves her off.

Carrisa doesn’t waste a second before disappearing down into the front orchestra.

I turn back to Jake, and his eyes are already on me.


No. Not really. But we have to do this.

“Let’s go.”



This night is not turning out like I thought it would whatsoever.

I didn’t think Misha would give up watching the concert to talk to me.

And I really didn’t expect we would have an angry fuck in the restroom, but damn it, she needed to get that aggression out, and it felt so good to be inside her again.

Surprisingly, the outside of the theater is extremely quiet for being smack in the middle of the nation’s capital. Misha and I take a seat on a bench, and the urge to hold her hand is strong, but I know better. I need to give her space.

“Thank you for talking to me,” is the first thing I can think to say.

She shrugs. “I’m really just listening.”

“Right.” And I’m nervous. I’ve never been this nervous in my entire life. My mouth is dry, and not even an entire bottle of water could help me right now. “I guess I should start from the beginning.”

“That would be great,” she mumbles.

“In early February, Mandy asked me to take her little sister out on two dates. She said that her sister had recently gone through a breakup and needed a confidence boost to get back into the dating world. She wanted this to be a secret, not even for her sister to know about it. At first, I said no. I knew it was wrong. But she offered me five thousand dollars for two dates, and I really needed the money for Carrisa’s college.

“The night you came into the coffeehouse completely changed my life.

“Before that day, my life had been pretty fucking rough. The only person in my personal life was Carrisa, and it was lonely … but I refused to allow my heart to be shattered again. What Tessa and Brandon did … the pain was unbearable. For years, I’d felt like I was living through the darkest of nights with no sight of daybreak.

“I watched you get out of your vehicle that night and carefully walk across the icy parking lot. You came inside and ran right over to the fireplace, and you didn’t even notice me until I mentioned something about it being cold outside. When you unwrapped yourself from your outerwear, I was certain that you couldn’t be Misha. Mandy had described you as a plain, young girl next door. The girl who stood in front of me was by far the most attractive woman I’d ever seen.

“Then, you said your name, and Copyright 2016 - 2024