Coffee Cup Confessions - Trish Williford Page 0,69

between my heart and my brain, both of which are waging a war inside me. “I don’t know what to do.”

“Will you talk to me tonight after the show?” he asks, hope in his voice.

He brought a date with him tonight, and I just had sex in a public restroom.

My God … I’ve made a terrible mistake.

I hop off of the counter and grab my panties. “I can’t.”

Jake watches me with crossed arms while I straighten my clothes. “You can’t, or you won’t?”


He sighs heavily into the silence. “I wish you would give me ten minutes. I could explain everything to you and end this ridiculous fight. I’m miserable without you.”

My head snaps back to him. I don’t believe what he just said in the least. “Really? You looked so miserable with Blondie before you realized I was here.”

The veins in his neck bulge, making it obvious he’s beginning to get angry. “I’ve been trying to tell you, that’s—”

“And I told you, I don’t fucking care! You broke my heart! I can’t let you back in. I don’t know how. I thought I was starting to get better, but seeing you has made it worse.”

Jake grabs my hand, and it feels warm and familiar. “Then, talk to me, damn it. I can make it better.”

The hurt in his eyes makes me believe that he is sorry. My father’s advice starts playing through my head, encouraging me to at least listen to his side of the story. I open my mouth to agree but am interrupted by cheers and screams from the crowd outside. The thumping of the drums vibrates in my chest.

Fallen Shadows is onstage.

I allow his hand to drop from mine, and I wrap my arms around myself. “I have to go. Drew’s probably looking for me.”

Panic paints his face. “Don’t go. Talk to me. Please.”

“I can’t. We shouldn’t have done this.”

I unlock and swing the door open, coming face-to-face with a line of guys, all of whom are smiling knowingly. Shit.

Quickly taking the walk of shame past them, I duck into the ladies’ room.

While I’m washing my hands, I glance up into the mirror and gasp at my reflection. It’s quite clear that I’ve just had sex by my brightly flushed pink cheeks and wild hair. I comb my fingers through my hair and splash water onto my face, but it doesn’t help. Even my swollen lips scream sex.

When I push through the restroom door, I’m greeted not only by the shrieking of fans and loud music, but also by a waiting Jake.

“What are you doing?” I ask him.

“Waiting to see if you’ll change your mind and talk to me after the show.”

It’s then I recognize the sadness in his eyes. The same sadness I’ve donned for the last two months. Even if I don’t like what he has to say, at the very least, I will get his side and hopefully closure.

“What about the girl you’re here with?”

“It’s Carrisa, my sister.” A small smirk plays on his lips.

Fuck … don’t I feel like an ass.

“She’s home from school for the summer.”

I shake my head with a sigh. “I’m sorry I assumed.”

“I understand why you did.”

Over Jake’s shoulder, I see Bryson onstage, and I know I should get to my seat. I’ve been waiting for this concert for several months. But at the moment, there is something more important than a concert and a gorgeous rock star.

“Tell Carrisa she can have my seat and sit with Drew. It would be a shame for it to go to waste while we’re talking.”

Sad eyes turn hopeful. “Really?”

“I need to tell Drew, but I’ll meet you back here in five minutes.”

I manage to make it back to Drew during the third song of their set.

He glances over at me and frowns. “Did you fall in?”

“What?” I yell over the music.

Drew’s eyes land on my neck, and his mouth drops. “You whore! You fucked Jake in the restroom!”

“No, I didn’t!”

He turns his attention back to the stage. “You did! Otherwise, you would have already mentioned how fucking hot Bryson looks!”

When I turn to the stage, my gaze lands on the lead singer of my favorite band. Bryson is sitting at his piano, the bright lights above already making him sweat. He’s looking down at the keys with such intensity and passion as he plays. I admire how he pours his soul into his music, and being at a live show only solidifies how much he loves to perform. For a brief moment, Copyright 2016 - 2024