Coffee Cup Confessions - Trish Williford Page 0,67

with them, period. If you had talked to me, you would know all of this.”

I glance at his lips, which are now less than an inch away from mine. “I didn’t feel the need to. You should have been up-front with me.”

My lips brush against his when I speak, and there is nothing more I want than for him to kiss me right now. I also want nothing more than to kick him in the dick for breaking my heart.

As if he can hear my thoughts, his lips crash onto mine. Jake’s hands land on my face and hold it firmly against his. He pulls back long enough to catch his breath.

“Why aren’t you with your date? Will you have to refund her part of your going rate since she’s all alone right now?” I spit.

He kisses me again, this time pinning me against the door with his hips. “She’s not my date. She’s—”

“Shut up, Jake. I don’t care. I really don’t fucking care.”

I don’t mean that. Not at all. I do care. I don’t want her to be his real date. I don’t want her to be his customer. I just don’t want her near him at all.

His lips connect with mine again, igniting a fire deep in my stomach. “I’ve missed you.”

“I hate you,” I mumble against his lips.

His tongue sweeps against mine, tasting me for the first time in months. “No, you don’t,” he replies. His hands move down my body, grabbing tightly at my waist. “You’re too skinny. You need to eat a cheeseburger.”

His words cause me to dig my fingernails deep into the skin of his arms. “I was trying, but you had to interrupt me by bringing another girl to the concert you knew I was coming to.”

Jake’s hands find the bottom of my ass, and he pulls me against his hips. I feel his erection through my skirt, and my own need stirs deep inside.

“God, I’ve missed this ass.”

I lift my leg to wrap around his waist. “My ass hasn’t missed you.”

His hands move to the bare skin of my legs, smoothly rubbing them up under the hem of my skirt. “Oh, baby, your ass has definitely missed me. We’re going to have the hottest, dirtiest sex in this bathroom. Now.”

“No, we’re not.” I bite his lip hard in response.

A growl comes deep from within his chest, and then he’s back to teasing my mouth. His hand skims over the front of my panties, causing my heart rate to spike.

“You’re soaked. You’re turned on for me.”

“Not for you. It’s for Bryson. I want him.”

Damn, I’m awarded with a glare that is dirty as hell.

“Fuck that pretty boy. I’m about to make you remember what it’s like with us.”

My panties are pushed aside, and a thick finger slides inside of me, causing me to moan loudly.

“I think your customer wouldn’t be fully satisfied if she knew what you were doing right now,” I pant in his ear.

“Shut up,” he groans. “I told you, she’s not a customer. She’s—s

Covering his mouth with mine, I kiss him hard as he continues to rub me from the inside. “I don’t give a fuck who she is.” My head falls back against the door, pleasure heating my body.

His mouth hovers over my ear. “Still not turned on?”

“I am turned on. So much,” I moan loudly. “But not for you. I’m thinking of Bryson Henderson. I’m imagining he’s you right now.”

Jake’s hot breath tickles my neck as he laughs against my skin. “No, I’m not. You’re thinking of me. You’re thinking of Jake fucking Malone, the man you’re in love with. The man who loves you more than life.”

Grabbing a handful of his hair, I yank it hard enough to make him look at me. “I’m not in love with you. I hate your guts.”

Jake ignores my words and lowers his head to kiss his way down to the opening of my shirt. “No, you love my guts. You love my fingers and what they’re doing to you right now. You love my tongue and how I know exactly how to use it to make you scream. Most importantly, you love my dick and how it fits perfectly inside of you.”

Damn it, my traitorous body. Between the combination of dirty talk and his fingers pumping away, I’m so close to exploding.

“Your dick is entirely too small for me. I barely felt it when we had sex.”

His eyes narrow. “We both know that is far from true.” He withdraws his Copyright 2016 - 2024