Coffee Cup Confessions - Trish Williford Page 0,66

his hands and continue searching. “I just want to know where he is, so I can avoid him like the plague.”

He sighs and nods backward. “He’s on the second balcony, off to the right. Now that you know, please stop this. We have waited for tonight for so long. Don’t let him keep you from having a good time.”

Sure enough, Jake and Blondie are seated on the second balcony. Jake’s gaze is on me, so I quickly turn my back to him. “How did you know where he was sitting?”

Drew’s eyes grow wide at my question. “I’ve got eyes in the back of my head, Mish.”

I glance at the beer he’s holding, and I make a note to cut him off after this one.

“It would be nice if Bryson came onto the stage now. I need the distraction,” I tell Drew.

A few minutes later, the lights go out for the opening band, and the crowd screams loudly. Even in the darkness, we are close enough to see the four members of PlanLimit take the stage. The electric guitar screams over the speakers and through the crowd, revving everyone up. The bright lights on the stage suddenly appear, illuminating the band. Drew and I nod along with the first song, one that I’ve never heard before. My phone in my back pocket vibrates, and I pull it out to look at my message.

Jake: You’ve lost weight. Are you okay?

I exit out of the message and bring my attention back to the band. Jake is not going to ruin tonight for me. I’m not giving him the satisfaction of replying to his text. Another buzz comes through, and curiosity gets the best of me.

Jake: Please don’t ignore me.

Sorry, not sorry, Jake.

I turn my phone off and shove it back in my pocket. Drew is dancing and jumping, so I join in and follow his lead. PlanLimit’s set is upbeat and high energy. Just when we’re really getting into their set, the lead singer announces they are about to play their last song before Fallen Shadows takes the stage.

Knowing that the line for the women’s restroom are about to expand drastically, I tell Drew I’m going to the bathroom to beat the rush. He nods and brushes me off, dancing along to the last song. When I finally make it to the women’s line for the restroom, it’s already about fifteen women deep.

And here I thought I had a brilliant plan.

I lean against the wall and try my best to patiently wait. The other females surrounding me are gossiping about how gorgeous Bryson is and all the extremely dirty things they would do if given the chance. Don’t get me wrong; I have had similar thoughts, but there is someone else in this venue I’d rather do those dirty things with.

I’m not exactly sure how to handle the feelings I’m having right now. Seeing Jake for the first time in two months only proves that I’m not any closer to being over him.

I’m five people away from getting inside the restroom when I notice Jake stalking toward me, his eyes focused on mine. His hand wraps around my wrist, and he drags me behind him.

“Let me go, Jake!” I yell.

He continues walking, landing us near the men’s restroom. He swings the door open and looks inside before pulling me in behind him. He shuts and locks the door, and then he slams me against it. His arms encase my head, and his close proximity makes it hard for me to concentrate on what to say and do.

“Why did you turn your phone off?” he growls.

“Because I don’t want to talk to you.”

“Why haven’t you answered any of my texts over the last two months?”

A hard chuckle escapes my lips. “Are you really asking me that question? Okay, let me see … oh, yeah! You lied to me about how we met, and you lied to me about your profession, where you happen to be a fucking escort! You sleep with women for money! Don’t you think you should have told me all of this from the beginning?”

Okay, I’m not playing fair. I know Mandy told me he never slept with anyone, but the need to push his buttons is too great at the moment.

His nose is suddenly pressed to mine, and his breath is heavy on my lips. “I didn’t lie, I just didn’t tell you what I did for a living. And I didn’t sleep with them for money, I didn’t sleep Copyright 2016 - 2024