Claimed by Shadow Page 0,60

and visiting dignitaries from other senates around the world. Boots were licked, deals were made and alliances decided for the next two years.

Tony had always gone armed to the teeth and surrounded by bodyguards, since it wasn't unknown for the entertainment to get a little out of hand. I darted towards the orchestra on instinct-their golden instruments were the brightest things in the room-and hoped I wasn't about to be another Convocation casualty. Of course, it was a bad idea. There were no service doors, hallways or exits anywhere I could see, just a large alcove surrounded by burgundy drapes. I looked back to see my pursuer almost within arm's reach, and all the breath left my lungs.

What I'd taken to be a wolf pelt, I realized with horror, wasn't wolf at all. The paws draped over his chest were normal enough, if oversized. But the head that dangled halfway down his back was pink-skinned with a shock of light brown hair. I didn't get a good look at it, just flashes under his arm as he reached for me, but that was more than enough. My eyes told me what my mind didn't want to believe. He'd skinned a werewolf halfway through the transformation, so that the gray fur shaded into human skin around his shoulders.

I tried to shift but felt too light-headed to be able to concentrate. I bit the inside of my cheek hard, to keep from passing out, and tried to climb into the orchestra pit. I'd hoped to find a hidden exit, but a clarinet player shoved me back out, hard enough that I went sprawling. I slid into oiled black boots that shone in the low light. A hand grabbed my hair, using it as a handle to jerk me upright.

I stared into black eyes dancing with dark fire and forgot about the pain in my scalp. "You reek of magic," the vamp said, his voice thick with an accent I couldn't place. "I did not think the English brave enough to provide us with such a rare treat.”

My eyes fell to the skullless head bumping lightly against his side. It was now less than a foot away, and my throat closed in horror. I could see it perfectly-the sagging features, the dull hair, the empty eye sockets-and the limp, lifeless thing frightened me more than the vamp wearing it. If it brushed against me, there was a chance I'd See part of the creature's life-and knowing my gift, it would undoubtedly be the last part.

I moved away from it as much as I could, not wanting to know what it felt like to be skinned alive, and the vamp moved his grip from my hair to my elbow. His thumb caressed the skin at the bend of my arm, lightly, gently, but it felt like liquid metal poured from his hand into my veins. Pain was too mild a description for the shock that reverberated through me, bringing tears to my eyes and blinding me to everything outside my own body. He moved down to my wrist, a delicate stroke, but it spilled a line of blood along my arm as if his touch was a knife.

“They usually cringe at the idea of feeding from magic users, too afraid of retaliation from the mages," he said contemptuously. "I will have to remember to thank our host." Panic flooded my system with adrenaline, but there was nowhere to go. I pulled backwards, even knowing it was a wasted effort, and he smiled. "Now, let us see if you taste as good as you smell.”

A warm hand descended on my shoulder, and his smile faded. "This one is taken, Dmitri.”

I didn't need to turn around to know who had spoken. The rich tones were unmistakable, as was the pleasure that danced down my arm, slicing through the pain, reducing it to a low throb. A flash of anger passed over Dmitri's face. "Then you should have kept her with you, Basarab. You know the rules.”

A claret-colored cloak fell around me, so deeply red that it was almost black. "Perhaps you did not hear me," Mircea said pleasantly. "So close to that appalling orchestra, it is not surprising.”

"I don't smell her on you," Dmitri said with open suspicion.

"Our host asked to see me shortly after I arrived. I did not think he would appreciate my bringing an extra pair of ears." The joviality had fallen from Mircea's voice.

Dmitri didn't seem to hear the warning. His eyes Copyright 2016 - 2024