Claimed by Shadow Page 0,59

polished black boots. He stopped directly in front of the young man, his eyes sweeping over him in obvious appreciation.

The boy shivered, back tensing, buttocks tightening. He ducked his head shyly, causing light and shadow to play across high cheekbones and a cleft chin. His face flushed with a healthy glow, making him resemble the cherubs who stared down from flaking murals overhead, all but their pink faces lost to the dark.

The vamp stripped off one of the white gloves that went with his uniform. His hand stroked possessively down the boy's side, fingers playing along the ribs until they came to rest on the thin silk clinging to his hipbone. The young man's chest started rising and falling faster, but other than for louder breathing, he made no sound. My eyes focused on the boy's bare feet, which were directly in my line of vision as I tried to melt into the floor. They were startlingly white against the dark green, and looked strangely vulnerable next to the vamp's heavy footwear.

The young man stiffened as the blond head bent towards him, probably from the first glimpse of fangs, but a hand splayed possessively on his trembling back, holding him in place. He gave a small cry when his neck was pierced, and a visible shudder ran through him. But within seconds, he slid an arm around the vampire's neck and began making low sounds in his throat, openly, generously eager.

The vampire pulled back after a minute, his mouth stained as red as his uniform. The boy smiled at him and the vamp ruffled his hair affectionately. He threw his short cloak around the young man's shoulders and they walked together into the ballroom.

With a lurch in my stomach, I realized why I hadn't seen any waiters passing with trays of drinks, or heard the chime of glasses. When the heart stops, blood pressure in the body drops to zero, the veins collapse and the blood starts to coagulate. Not only is it less palatable in that form, but it's also harder to extract. Even baby vamps learn quickly-only feed on the living. At this party, the refreshments walked around on their own. And in my brief shorts and tank top, I looked a lot more like part of the beverage parade than a guest.

Almost as if he heard my thought, a vamp suddenly looked my way. He had a graying goatee that matched the silver brocade on his robes. They were lined with what looked like wolf fur, and he wore a large pelt draped around his shoulders. There was also something almost wolflike in the way he paused, one foot on the last stair, his nose tilted as if scenting prey. His flat black eyes came to rest on me, and a look of fierce interest crossed his previously unreadable face.

I scrambled to my feet and stumbled into the drifting crowd, panic lancing through me. The only doors were to the ballroom, and I dove for them as if my life depended on it, which it might. Somehow, I made it ahead of him, probably because he was too polite to elbow fellow guests out of the way. But a glance over my shoulder as I entered the dark, cavernous space showed that he wasn't far behind. Anticipation had lit those expressionless eyes and I felt my stomach plummet. Some vamps preferred their food frightened and struggling; just my luck I'd find one on the first try.

I took a quick look around the ballroom, but there were no obvious exits. Of course, the stairs should have warned me-we were probably underground. I tried to focus, but it was difficult with power crawling along my skin like a cloud of insects. None of it was directed at me specifically; it was just overflow from the beings jostling me on all sides. I realized with a jarring shock that I wasn't seeing merely a room full of vamps; it was a room crowded with master-level vampires-hundreds of them.

Convocation, I thought numbly-it simply had to be. Every Senate had a biannual meeting where master-level vamps met to discuss policy. I'd never been to one, but Tony had spent days preparing for them, changing his mind about clothes and escorts as often as a teenager going to a prom.

His entire entourage had been designed to impress, and with good reason. The weeklong gathering was the one time when he and other low-level masters could rub elbows with the glitterati-their own Senate members Copyright 2016 - 2024