The Chieftain - By Margaret Mallory Page 0,117

cried out in a loud voice as she stood and raised her arms. "I will curse any man who harms us!"

She tossed some of the herbs onto the fire and sparks flew high into the sky. The men who had started to laugh stopped abruptly.

"I was born at midnight on a night of the full moon," she said as she walked slowly around the fire, meeting the eyes of each man. Every Highlander knew these were signs of someone born with The Sight. "I can see your future. Every one of ye who remains here shall be dead by morning."

* * *

As Connor crept through the grass toward the camp, he was astonished to hear Ilysa's voice carried on the wind - and no others. He moved closer and saw her circling the fire.

"I see your blood!" she called out, and sparks flew from her fingers as they had at the faery glen. Then she swept her arm around the circle, pointing as she spoke in an ominous voice. "M矛le marbhphaisg ort!" A thousand death shrouds on you. "A' phlaigh ort!" A plague on you!

With their attention riveted on Ilysa, none of Hugh's men noticed Alex and Duncan, who were creeping around the other side of the camp to get closer to Flora and the children. Their task was to separate Flora and the children from their captors as quickly as possible and protect them. When Duncan and Alex were in position, Connor signaled to Ian and Lachlan.

"Hugh!" Lachlan called from the opposite side of the camp and twenty yards out. He held Ian in front of him, with his arm locked around Ian's throat and his dirk pricking his side.

Hugh dumped Rhona off his lap and strode to the edge of the camp.

"I've captured Connor," Lachlan shouted, "and I'm willing to make a trade."

Ian's black hair fell over his face as he lolled his head forward. Blood ran down his temple - a nice touch - and the chieftain's brooch was visible on his shoulder.

Connor waited, every muscle taut. Hugh hesitated, then finally signaled to his men to follow him. As soon as they moved away, Alex and Duncan put themselves between Hugh's men and Flora and the children. Fear choked Connor when he saw that Ilysa was on the opposite side of the fire and unprotected.

"Here I am, Uncle," he said, rising to his feet. "Come and get me."

Hugh looked back and forth between him and Ian, confusion on his face. By now, Lachlan and Ian had also pulled their swords, and the three of them converged on Hugh. If they could kill him, there was a good chance the others would flee.

Hugh was quick and fell back among his men. The fight began in earnest then. Connor swung his claymore side to side, slashing pirates and dodging blades, trying to get to Hugh, but there were always more men in his way.

After a while, the odds did not seem quite as bad. He saw a few of the pirates and Rhona fleeing across the field. A moment later, he saw sparks and knew why.

"Every one of ye shall die!" Ilysa was shouting from beside the fire. "I see your blood! I see your death shrouds!"

Ilysa's efforts were helping considerably, but he wished to hell she would not call attention to herself. He looked to Alex and Duncan, who were closer to her, but they had their hands full battling men near the children. Leaving Hugh to Ian and Lachlan, Connor worked his way toward Ilysa.

Then, through the melee, he saw Hugh moving toward her, too. Connor fought like a madman, killing one, two, three men who stood in his way. By then, Hugh was dragging Ilysa away from the camp.

Connor finally broke free and followed Ilysa's screams at a dead run. Hugh had her over his shoulder and was headed for the path along the cliff. Connor was younger and faster, and he was sure he could catch Hugh before he got very far. But when Hugh reached the edge of the cliff, he did not turn and follow the path.

Fear struck Connor like a bolt of lightning, and he slowed his steps. Hugh held Ilysa off her feet against his side as he stood with his back to the cliff. Connor couldn't breathe when he saw how close Hugh's heels were to the edge. The ground could easily crumble beneath his feet and send them both plunging backward.

"It's finished, Hugh," he called over the wind. "There's Copyright 2016 - 2024