The Chieftain - By Margaret Mallory Page 0,116

turning eyes like blue ice on him.

"She had no proof. My guess is she didn't think you'd believe her," Lachlan said and saw a flash of pain cross Connor's face. "She did threaten to kill me if I caused ye harm."

"She would have done it, too," Alex said with a laugh.

"Eventually I saw for myself that she was right. I've done nothing against ye since."

When they reached his father's, Lachlan went inside alone. He had not been here since he had told his father he would never act against Connor again.

"How dare ye step into this house after turning your back on your duty," his father greeted him.

"Hugh has murdered Malcom and taken Flora and the children hostage. Ye must tell me where to find him." Lachlan's heart sank when his father's stony expression remained unchanged. "What kind of man are ye?"

"One who will have my vengeance," his father said.

"You're a fool. All these years, ye blamed the wrong man," Lachlan said. "Your friend Hugh murdered her."

"You're lying!"

"I heard it from a dying man's lips that Hugh pushed her off that bluff," Lachlan said. "But I think it was you who put her there. She couldn't stand to live with ye, could she?"

His father crumpled into a chair and covered his face.

When Lachlan picked him up by the front of his shirt, he was surprised by how light he was - the man he had looked up to all through his boyhood was a pathetic bag of bones.

"Now you're going to tell me where to find Hugh," Lachlan said. "And then you're going to be a man and save Connor the trouble of dealing with ye."
Chapter 46
Hugh's camp is on Creag-na-Feile, the high cliff just up the coast," Lachlan said, looking pale and grim after emerging from his father's house. "He has fifty men there."

"Ten for each of us, not bad odds," Alex quipped, though Connor knew he was as worried as the rest of them.

They took the path up to the soaring basalt rock cliffs at a dead run. Connor looked down the sheer two-hundred-foot drop, and a shiver went through him as he thought of the battered body of Lachlan's mother at the base of the cliff.

When he saw the smoke from a fire rising from a small stand of trees, he raised his hand to signal that the camp was just ahead. They crouched in a circle to make their plan.

"Hugh has too many men. A simple attack would put the women and children at risk," Alex said. "We must come up with some other plan."

"Leaving them with those men puts them at risk as well," Duncan said. "We can't wait."

"You're both right," Connor said. "It's me Hugh wants. I'll offer myself in exchange for the hostages."

"No," Ian said, "the clan cannot afford to lose ye."

"I've made my decision," Connor said, rising.

"Wait, there is another way."

The four of them turned as one to look at Lachlan. The circle of trust among Connor, his cousins, and Duncan stretched back to boyhood, and they were unaccustomed to relying on anyone else in matters as grave as this.

"I shot my first arrow at Ian that day because I mistook him for Connor," Lachlan said. "From any distance, 'tis impossible to tell the two of ye apart."

"I see," Ian said at once. "I can go in for Connor."

"No," Connor said. "You're not dying for me."

"I don't intend to," Ian said, a slow smile spreading across his face. "I think Lachlan is suggesting I serve as bait to lure Hugh out."

* * *

The few trees around the camp afforded little protection from the wind and rain. As Ilysa huddled with Flora and the children near the smoky fire, she kept a wary eye on the men who encircled them like wolves. The throbbing cut on her shoulder was nothing to what these foul men had in mind for her and Flora. While she was certain Connor and the others would find them, it might not be soon enough.

"I fear we've no chance of escaping before dark," Flora breathed in Ilysa's ear.

"Aye, I must act now," Ilysa said and whispered her plan.

She reached into the leather pouch tied to her belt for her dried herbs. In the weeks that Hugh had held Dunscaith, she had protected herself by spreading the rumor that she had learned dark magic from Tearlag. Only a few of these men had been with Hugh then, but that was a start.

"I am a daughter of the Sea Witch!" she Copyright 2016 - 2024