Cheesy on the Eyes by Teagan Hunter Page 0,32

in my own eyes staring back at me.

Just three inches.

If I move just three inches, I could kiss her. I could see if she tastes as sweet as she smells.

“We want to sell this thing, so we can be real.”

I push away from her before I do something stupid. “Then let’s be real.”

“I’m still not sleeping with you, though.”

I peek back at her as I return to my safe spot—across the boat and away from her. “Whatever you say, Thea.”

Thea: I know this is last minute, but any chance you’re free tonight?

Sully: Is this you begging?

Thea: What? Why would I beg?

Thea: Oh. For sex.


Sully: I guess that’s a no.

Sully: I can be free if you need me to be.

Thea: Good.

Thea: We’re seeing a movie with my brother and his fiancée.

Sully: You want me to hang out with an NFL superstar? You really should have led with that.

Thea: You know, usually I use my brother’s stardom to my advantage on dating apps, but it’s just annoying when you fawn.

Sully: Tsk, tsk. It looks like someone didn’t read my list.

Thea: I thought we were being real?


Thea: I’m seriously starting to regret this.

Sully: Just now?

Thea: UGH.

Thea: Can we meet at the shop at 6? I’ll drive.

Sully: I can do that.

I glance at the clock in the corner of my laptop screen. Thea wasn’t kidding about this being a last-minute thing. I only have an hour to shower, get ready, and be at Schwartz Auto.

Luckily it’s nearby.

I push up out of my chair and make my way to the guest bathroom since I’m still in the middle of renovating mine. The only complaint I have so far about living on a houseboat is the bathroom being tiny as fuck, especially for somebody of my stature.

I turn the water on and strip while I wait for it to warm. When it’s at a bearable temperature, I step under the stream, sighing as the water runs over my aching muscles.

After staying up way too late working, I tossed and turned all night, unable to get my mind to settle. It wasn’t any one thing keeping me up, but my thoughts were bouncing from Thea to my dad, back to Thea, to the renovations I still need to do…and back to Thea, because I can’t seem to get her off my mind.

My lack of sleep didn’t stop me from rising at my usual early hour and heading down to the beach. Sleep or no sleep, there is no way I would miss being out on the water before sunrise to see her peek over the water’s edge. I rode the waves for nearly an hour straight before taking a break. As soon as the beach started filling with tourists, I booked it back here and dove into renovations before the summer sun became too much.

Tired as hell, I lay down for a nap. As soon as I drifted off, I was woken by a call from my mom—the third one this week.

After that, it was nearly impossible to fall asleep.

I’m exhausted, but the moment Thea’s name popped up on my phone, I knew I wouldn’t be able to say no to whatever it was she wanted.

I’m just too damn intrigued by her.

She might have agreed to be real with me the other night, but that didn’t stop her from bolting the first chance she got. It took all of five minutes for her to find an excuse to leave, and I haven’t seen her since.

I thought for sure it would be another few days before I heard from her again with how quickly she fled, but I guess I shouldn’t be surprised by her doing the exact opposite of what I expect. That seems to be her thing.

I make quick work of washing my hair and body, then step out of the shower. I wrap a towel around me and head for my bedroom.


I whirl toward the unexpected visitor, clutching my towel tightly but ready to drop it and defend myself if I need to because nobody wants to fight a naked person, dick swinging in the air.

When I see who it is, I relax. “What the hell are you doing here?”

“I, uh…I knocked and called your name a few times but didn’t hear an answer. The door was open, so I just…” She lifts a shoulder.

“Broke in?” I arch a brow.

“Technically, there was no breaking. I just walked in.”

“So you’re trespassing.”

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