Cheesy on the Eyes by Teagan Hunter Page 0,33

what you want to call it, then yes.” Her lips twitch.

“I thought I was meeting you at the shop, Thea.”

She tucks her hair behind her ear, one hand stuffed in the pocket of her long black skirt. Her light gray tee reads: That’s a horrible idea…what time? It’s fitting, given our agreement.

“That was the plan until Jonas called and said his dumb ass got the time wrong. We have to leave in ten. I tried calling,” she explains.

“I was in the shower.”

I don’t miss the way her eyes scroll down my half-covered body. I don’t miss her teeth sinking into her bottom lip, and I don’t miss the lust in her eyes.

My dick starts to swell as her eyes sweep lower and lower…and lower still.

“Are you enjoying yourself?”

Her eyes bounce to mine, not an ounce of embarrassment or shame in them. “I don’t not like what I see.”

There she goes, surprising me again.

“How long?”

“Standard or metric?”

She snorts. “I meant, how long for you to get ready?”

“Sure you did.” I smirk. “Give me five.”

I dash into my bedroom, pulling on a pair of jeans and a short-sleeved, plain black V-neck tee to match. I check myself in the mirror. I don’t have time to shave, so my five-o’clock shadow will just have to do. Running my fingers through my still wet hair, I push it back, noting I need a cut. A hat it is.

When I’m as good as I’m going to get, I slip my favorite cap over my head, grab my socks, and head back to the main room.

“Four forty-two,” Thea announces when I emerge.

“You were timing me?” I ask as I sit down at the table where I left my shoes and start pulling my socks on.

“It was either that or snoop.”

I peek at her as she scours the contents of my fridge. “Looks like you managed to accomplish both.”

“What?” she asks, grabbing one of the few sweets I have in my fridge: pudding. “I was feeling snacky.”

“Breaking and entering, trespassing, and theft—you’re on a roll tonight.”

I don’t care that she’s stealing my food. If anything, I like that she’s comfortable enough around me to just help herself.

She peels the foil cover off the cup, licking the excess pudding off before tossing it into the trash. “We’re dating now. What’s yours is mine.”

“Pretty sure that’s the rule for marriage, not dating.”

“Dating, married—same thing.”

I laugh. “Not even close.” I motion toward the snack in her hand. “Need a spoon?”

“Nah. I can eat it like this on the way to the car. You ready?”

I slip my second shoe on my foot and stand. “For an evening with a rulebreaker like you, I’m not so sure.”

“Oh, come on. I promise not to break any more rules tonight.”

“Not a single one?”

She lifts her hand, doing the Vulcan salute. “Scout’s honor.”

“You know that’s not what that means, right?”

“Yeah, but I can never remember if Scout’s honor is two or three fingers, so I just do the one everyone knows.”

“I…I have no words.”

“You’re not the first person to say that to me.” She winks. “Let’s go. I’m not the only Schwartz who is a stickler for being punctual.”

“After you.” I wave her out the door.

As I lock it, she says, “Oh, good call. I hear there are people out here just randomly walking onto people’s boats.”

“I heard that rumor too. The suspect is about five foot two, cute, and sassy as shit.”

“So you’re saying you think I’m cute?”

“I don’t not like what I see.”

She grins. “Come on. I’m parked in the lot.”

We make our way up the docks to the parking lot, and I almost trip twice watching her lick the pudding from the cup.

“Sure you don’t want me to drive?” I offer when we hit the asphalt, looking for any distraction so I don’t have to watch her dip her tongue into the cup again.

Maybe if I keep her distracted, she won’t notice my hardening dick.

“What do you drive?” she asks, dipping her finger into the container and sliding it along the sides to get all she can from it. “Better not be anything lame.”

She pops her finger in her mouth, sucking it clean before going back for more.

Yeah, there is no way she won’t notice my dick now.

Swallowing the sudden lump in my throat, I point toward my old beat-up truck. “It’s that one.”

“A danger Ranger? And not even a V6?” She curls her lip at it. “Yep, that’s lame.”

Lucky for me, she finishes off the rest of the pudding and tosses Copyright 2016 - 2024