Chasing the Moon - S.M. Soto Page 0,53

of the open booth, looking around, trying to find the woman I came here for. Almost like it was meant to be, she stumbles out from the back double doors, juggling a tray filled with glasses.

On anyone else, this uniform looks plain and boring, but on Selene? She looks like a fucking goddess. Her hair is in another one of those loose braids, her face clean of any makeup. Her cheeks have a pink tint, probably from running around and standing on her feet all day. The uniform here at Rita’s is a simple red dress with a black apron. And for some reason, I can’t stop staring at her perfect, shapely legs. Her long, brown hair and her creamy skin is a balm I never knew I needed.

She’s beautiful. I’ve never been surer of anything.

Off to the right, she serves a table the drinks from her tray. She turns around, blowing out a deep sigh. Stray strands of hair have fallen into her eyes and billow around her face with that gust of air. It’s fucking adorable. That’s about the time she notices me sitting there, and she freezes. Those gorgeous doe eyes widen, and her face flames. She glances down at herself, around the diner, then back at me. Slowly, she wipes her hands down her front apron, then she squares her shoulders and makes her way toward me. The whole time, her gaze drifts from the flowers on the table, then back to me, like she can’t seem to decide where she wants to look.

Selene pauses in front of my booth, and she wrings her hands in her apron nervously. In a nervous tic, she traps her bottom lip between her teeth, chewing on it. And, fuck me, I love it when she does that, too.

“Selene,” I say by way of greeting, unable to hide my grin. Her gaze drops to my lips, then back up to my eyes, like she doesn’t want to get caught staring for too long.

“Endymion.” She clears her throat, her face flushing. Her bottom lip has popped free, and my eyes are riveted to her pinkish red plump lips.

I reach for the bouquet of lilies and hand them off to her. “Your daily dose of flowers, as promised.” That gets a smile out of her. It slowly spreads across her face, brightening her features. She grins down at the bouquet, taking them in with a soft look in her eyes. I do a quick scan around Rita’s and realize everyone has stopped talking and eating, and instead, they’re gaping at us.

“God, Endymion,” she breathes. “These are beautiful.” She suddenly frowns, glancing around her, as if she’s just now realizing how quiet it’s gotten in here. Her mouth opens as if she’s going to say something, but then she snaps it shut.

“Thank you,” she mumbles quietly, as though she doesn’t want everyone around us to hear. I grin up at her, unable to help myself. I don’t know how it’s possible—I shouldn’t even be able to smell it, what with the delicious savory scent floating around Rita’s—but somehow, I can still smell her. Her scent is so distinct. Even out in the field at the creek, her presence overshadows everything. It’s an alluring scent, all soft and sweet. Like coconut milk and cedarwood. Like flowers and honey.

“What do you say about that date?”

The creamy expanse of her chest goes up in flames. I hear a sharp intake of breath from someone in the diner. Selene glances over her shoulder and shifts on her feet, obviously uncomfortable with the close scrutiny. She gets a nod from Rita herself and leans down to speak near my ear.

“People are going to talk,” she whisper-hisses.

Cocking my head to the side, I regard her for a beat. She’s never really struck me as someone who cares what others think, but obviously, she does care. Or maybe, she just hates being the focal point of conversation or the spotlight of gossip here in town. I eventually shrug. “Let them talk, babe.”

The concept seems insane to her because she looks at me like I’m crazy. She shoots another quick glance over her shoulder, and I grin at her.

“Go ahead. I know you have your hands full.”

Selene pauses, and it looks like she wants to say more, but she nods, offering me a gentle smile. “Did you…did you want anything?”

“I could go for a coffee.”

Her smile is shy as she dips her head, trying to hide her face. I get the Copyright 2016 - 2024