Chasing the Moon - S.M. Soto Page 0,52

like a warm dose of nectar or sunshine. They echo on a boisterous repeat as I unlock the front door and shut it behind me. I rest my back on the wood and sag against it.

God, he’s even more charming than I thought, I think as I look down at the two bouquets in my hands. I want to believe I can be strong enough to keep saying no to him, but if tonight is any indication, I obviously can’t.

Before this escalates any further, I need to come clean. I need to tell him the truth about that night at the creek and about Luna. He’s not going to like it, and it’s going to hurt, but it has to be done.

I can only hope tomorrow I’m a stronger person than I was today.

We finally break the entire wall down outside of Gavin’s house. For safety purposes, Cece and Gavin took Luna out around town. The kid is too slippery, and I didn’t want to take the chance of her getting hurt.

I didn’t get a chance to see Selene this morning, but I learned she started her job at Rita’s. I make a mental note that once I get done here, I’ll stop in for a visit. A wry grin twists my lips just at the thought.

“What the hell are you smiling about?” Griffin asks, nudging me on the arm.

I shrug noncommittally, getting back to work. “I wasn’t.”

Everyone suddenly stops short. “Okay, something is definitely off here. You’re lying about smiling now, man? Who is she?”

I don’t bother with a reply, not that I need to, though, not when I have Bishop around. The asshole.

“Oh, I’ll tell you who it is. It’s the MILF, isn’t it?” Landon pipes in. Griffin crosses his tattooed arms over his chest, a smug grin now in place thanks to Lan. Fucker thinks he knows everything.

The rest of the guys go wild over this news. “She won’t even agree to go on a date with me. Let’s not jump the gun.”

“What do you mean she won’t agree on a date? Wasn’t she in love with you when she lived here?”

My brows rise incredulously. “You guys noticed it, too?”

“It was hard not to,” Bishop says, clapping me on the back.

“Seriously. You were such an idiot back then, letting a girl like her slip through your fingers. Isn’t life crazy? She chased you for years, gave up, got pregnant by some random dude, and now all of a sudden, you’re the one chasing her. If you weren’t such a shit, I bet that’d be your kid.”

After Landon’s speech, we all get back to work, and I remain silent the entire time, stuck in my thoughts. He wasn’t wrong. His observation hits much too close to home.

Why didn’t I notice her then? And why can’t I seem to look away from her now?

Something about Selene draws you in. It makes me want to get closer, stare longer, and know everything there is to know about her as a person. I want her to let her walls down and show me the real her. The one that sits in that grassy field, gazing out at the creek. She’s not the only one I find myself drawn to—it’s Luna, too. I’ve never met a kid with more spunk. She’s adorable. I’m not all that surprised. Her mother is Selene, after all.

Once we call it a day and as the guys head out, I inform them that I’ll be late for beers and the game at Griffin’s house. I have a woman to woo, and the last thing I need is to hear more of their shit.

When I push through the diner doors, the bell chimes, and all eyes swing my way. I rake a hand through my hair that is still damp from my shower. I’m used to this—the women in this town staring for far too long. The whispers about my past, about my present, and of course, my future. That is the main thing I still hate about living here in Dunsmuir, even after all these years. It is a small town, and all people like to do is talk. It doesn’t matter if the shit they are spewing is true or false; they spread it anyway.

Ignoring the glances, I find an open booth in the corner, and I set another fresh bouquet down on the table. This time I went with a mix of lilies and calla lilies. I lean back, slinging my arm over the back Copyright 2016 - 2024