Chasing the Moon - S.M. Soto Page 0,31

into his arms, and when I see the wince and hear the hiss of pain that leaves him when he catches her, I make a mental note to speak to her tonight about being careful with her grandpa.

“Oh, nothing.” I sigh. “Mom is just hell-bent on ruining my life.”

My dad shoots a questioning glance at my mom, and she shakes her head at him, having a silent conversation. “I brought up her crush on Endymion, and now she’s acting like it’s the end of the world.”

My dad chuckles. “Well, hopefully it won’t be too awkward for you tonight then, Selene. We’re having dinner with Endymion at the steakhouse.”

My mouth gapes.

Heart pounds.

Bile rises up my throat.

Oh, joy.

Kegman’s Steakhouse is one of the staples here in Dunsmuir. Usually when tourists are here during the winter months to see the snow or during the summer months to see the multitude of waterfalls, this place is packed. Locals normally steer clear during those times. At other times throughout the year, like tonight, it’s not too bad.

I’m a sweaty, nervous ball of energy while I try to mentally prepare myself for how tonight may go. My heart pounds wildly in my chest as we’re led to a table big enough to seat all of us. Of course, End is already here, looking as handsome as ever. Dressed in a red and black flannel over a white T-shirt that shows off his broad chest, he looks effortlessly casual. There’s something so rugged and manly about him now that he didn’t necessarily have when he was a rebel teen.

I remember so many things about End, but after spending so many years trying to forget the details, trying to forget every part of him, now that he’s here in the flesh, all those thoughts and feelings are rushing back. They’re bombarding my brain at full speed, filling my headspace with the most confusing thoughts.

Under the dim lights of the restaurant, his hair looks more of a sandy blond rather than its usual light brown, and it’s long enough now that it curls at the ends, near the nape of his neck, where his flannel collar is. There’s a light smattering of scruff dusted along his prominent jaw that I didn’t notice earlier. It’s almost as if he missed one day of shaving, and this is the outcome, a perfectly stubbled jawline.

When we approach the table and his emerald gaze locks with mine, my stomach flips. An airy sensation fills my chest, like someone is blasting cool air into my lungs. I quickly avert my gaze, clearly unsettled by how handsome he is.

“Hey, End. Hope we didn’t keep you waiting too long,” Dad says, as he sits next to him. Endymion waves him off.

“Not at all. Just got here myself.”

I pause when it comes time for me to sit. With my hand tightly gripped around Luna’s, I only have two options: sit across from Endymion or make my mother sit across from him. One would think their own mother would take the seat across from Endymion to make things less awkward. Of course, that’s too much to ask.

“Selene, sweetie, hurry up and sit.” I shoot a nasty glare at my mom over my shoulder, and my anger with her only grows when I notice the knowing gleam in her eyes.

What a shit.

I slide into the seat across from Endymion, and I settle Luna into the spot next to me. I suddenly feel like my skin is itchy and on fire, and I can’t seem to stop fidgeting. I have to keep fighting the urge to look up at End and stare, but instead, I force my gaze down, opening my menu and pretending to be deep in thought.

Dad and End start talking logistics of the expansion on the house, and I pretend the sound of End’s voice doesn’t stir something deep and primal inside me.

He broke your heart, Selene.

He is not a swoony character in a romance novel.

“Mommy, can I sit with End and Papa?” Luna asks, snapping me out of my fake menu browsing.

My head jerks up at her question, and without permission, my gaze swings to End. He’s scrutinizing me much too closely for my liking. I feel his gaze burning into my flesh, marking me. I break out in a sweat and quickly look away, back down at Luna.

“Oh, I don’t know, baby. I think he wants to eat in peace—”

“I don’t mind,” Endymion cuts in, and I hear Luna’s victorious hoot as she fist bumps Copyright 2016 - 2024