The Chain of Lies - By Debra Burroughs Page 0,65

little while longer. I’ve asked one of the female officers to take you to the police station.”

Maliwan’s dark eyes grew wide and the fear that had begun to drain from them was instantly refilling.

“No, no, you don’t have to be afraid,” Emily said, in an effort to console her.

“We need to do some paperwork, you know, get your story,” Colin explained slowly. “Then you’ll be staying at a women’s shelter in town. They’ll take care of you for the next few days until we can sort this thing out.”

“Shelter?” Maliwan repeated.

“Yes, it’s a safe place to sleep with plenty of food to eat. They’ll take care of you there.” Emily wasn’t sure the girl understood all of what she and Colin had just said, but she nodded compliantly.

“It will be okay, Maliwan. Those bad people can’t hurt you anymore.”

She nodded again. A smile began to bloom on her face. It was clear that she understood that.

“Here comes the officer now.” Colin motioned her over with the rotation of his hand. “Officer Sanchez, this is Maliwan…I’m sorry, what is your last name?”


“Sanchez, this is Maliwan Willapana. Could you please escort the young lady down to the police station and take her statement? Sherry Howard from City Lights will be picking her and the other girls up when you’re done.”

“Yes, sir. Right this way, Miss Willapana.” Officer Sanchez gestured toward her cruiser. “What a pretty name.”

The girl hugged Emily quickly before leaving. “Thank you.”

She waved at Emily and Colin as she went with the police woman. Emily didn’t want to take her eyes off of her until she was safely seated in the squad car.

“Emily, have you called Camille and Jonathan yet?”

“Just about to,” she replied, turning her gaze from the car back to Colin. “I hope I don’t break down and blubber my way through it.” With the emotional roller coaster she had been on all day, she could sense her tears bubbling very near the surface again.

“Why don’t you let me do it?” Before she could give him an answer, Colin whipped out his phone and ventured beyond the driveway for some quiet space.

Emily observed him as he put the phone to his ear, grateful he took the initiative to handle it for her. She imagined his words to her friends and their relieved, yet horrified reaction. Maybe she should have gone and told them in person, but then she might miss their bringing Molly out. Her boots felt nailed to the ground. She had to stay.

Colin made his way back through the crowd until he returned to Emily’s side. “They’re on their way. Fortunately, they’re only a few blocks away. Maggie’s coming, too.”

“Emily!” A female voice shouted from the street.

Emily turned to see who had called her name and spotted Isabel cutting through the swelling crowd.

“I got here as fast as I could.” Isabel squeezed Emily warmly. “I heard they found Molly.”

“They should be bringing her out shortly.” Emily’s voice trembled. “She’s unconscious, Is.”

Isabel rested a comforting hand on Emily’s arm. “She’s a strong girl, Em, a lot like you. We’ll see her through this.”

Emily nodded and lowered her eyes. “I feel somehow responsible.”

“Why on earth would you say that?” Colin asked.

“She and I talked about this house and what might be going on here. I should have known she was too young to discuss this kind of thing. Me and my big mouth. If I hadn’t—”

“This is not your fault,” Colin insisted. “Tell her, Isabel.”

“He’s right. This is not your fault. These people were committing crimes against young girls, and Molly must have tried to do something about it. She’s a courageous girl to try to take these people on.”

“I hope Camille and Jonathan see it that way.”

“You hope we see what that way?” Camille and Jonathan walked up behind Emily and the small cluster of friends.

Emily looked their way, her mind racing for a good answer. No words would come, a hug would have to do. Emily reached out and pulled Camille into a firm embrace, which Camille returned. Isabel stepped up and softly patted Camille’s back, glancing over at Maggie, who had joined the group.

“They’ll be bringing Molly out any minute,” Colin remarked. “Like I told you on the phone, she’s unconscious, but alive.”

“I don’t understand,” Jonathan said through clenched teeth, staring at Colin, “why was she in this house in the first place?”

“We’ll sort it all out when Molly regains consciousness,” Isabel replied.

“If I hadn’t ordered her out of the room yesterday, none of this Copyright 2016 - 2024