The Chain of Lies - By Debra Burroughs Page 0,64

rearview mirror, and asked the girl about any hiding places in the house.

“Are you talking to the man in your ear, too?” the girl asked.

“Yes, how did you know?”

“Mr. Peter.”

“Do you know about any hiding places in the house?”

“Bonus Room, there is small door to storage area,” Maliwan replied.

“Did you get that, Tony?”

“The men have been all over that room.”

“Behind big dresser,” Maliwan clarified.

“Tony, ask them if they moved the big dresser. Our young friend says there is a small door behind the dresser. Molly’s got to be there. I’m pulling up to the house now.”

“Hold on, let me ask.”

Emily, Peter, and Maliwan jumped out of the car and the girl stuck close to Emily as she and Peter marched to the front lawn of the house. Two SWAT members faced them from the porch and would not let anyone enter.

Ellis could be heard asking Decker what was happening, then he came back to Emily. “They’re doing it, they’re doing it. They’ve found the door.”

“They found the door,” Emily whispered to Maliwan. The two stood frozen, grasping each other’s hand. Peter stepped closer to the porch to get a better view with the camera.

“Opening, opening, shining flashlight,” Ellis continued. “She’s there! Emily, did you hear me? She’s there!”

“Oh, my God!” Emily gasped.

“What is it?” the girl asked anxiously.

“They found her. They found Molly.” Emily could no longer contain her tears and a few broke free and trickled down her cheeks. She turned to the girl and threw her arms around her in her excitement.

Emily drew in a deep breath to calm herself. Releasing her hold on the girl, they turned and stared expectantly at the front door, waiting for the men to bring Molly out. Emily noticed one of the officers stationed on the porch was communicating with someone on his radio.

“Tony, what’s happening?” Emily asked.

“They’re calling for an ambulance, from what I can overhear.” The special agent repeated what he was picking up on the radio. “She was found in the crawl space, lying on a pile of blankets, she’s unresponsive, probably drugged.”

Emily spun around at the sound of a siren blaring from an emergency vehicle, growing louder as it approached. “Peter! The ambulance!” she called out, pointing toward the flashing red lights in the distance, the scream of the siren intensifying as it moved closer.

She’s going to be okay. She has to be. Oh, God, please let her be okay.

A uniformed officer moved one of the patrol cars crowding the residential street, to make room for the ambulance. Two young men in stiff white shirts and navy blue pants sprang from the vehicle and sprinted to the rear, pulling a gurney out of the back door.

“Make way!” one of the officers ordered. His hands furiously directed them, and the small crowd that had gathered on the lawn moved aside.

The paramedics bolted up the few stairs and disappeared, with the gurney, into the house.

Emily willed herself not to cry. This was not the time or the place to break down. It was a time to be strong for Molly and for Camille.

Oh, my gosh—Camille. Should I call her?

It was all she could do to hold it together. If she had to explain the situation to Camille right now, she knew she’d lose it. But Camille and Jonathan had a right to know.

She dug her phone out of her pocket and stared at it, wondering what she should do, what she would say.


Over the din of chatter from the crowd, she heard her name called. She turned toward the sound and saw Colin sprinting toward her from the street.

“Colin!” She yelled and waved him over.

“Ow! Some of us still have earpieces in, Emily,” Ellis scolded.

“Sorry.” She grimaced.

Colin rushed to her and pulled her into his arms. “Did they find Molly? I saw the ambulance. Is she okay?”

“Yeah, they found her. They’re bringing her out, but she’s unconscious so they’re rushing her to the hospital. Didn’t you hear about it in your earpiece?”

“No, I took it out when I left the hotel. I had to deal with the madam and her thug.”

“Why is it taking so long?”

“Be patient, Emily. Let them work.”

“Well, Maliwan has been keeping me company while we wait to see Molly.”

Colin released his hold and stepped aside, keeping one arm protectively around her waist. “Maliwan, hello.” He offered her a friendly smile.

The girl gave him a small, guarded smile in return.

“You were very brave back at the hotel.”

“Yes, you were,” Emily added.

“I need you to be brave a Copyright 2016 - 2024