The Cavalier - By Jason McWhirter Page 0,61

carried himself with confidence. His face was angular but youthful with slightly curly brown hair cut short and immaculately trimmed.

“Very good, Tumas, lead away,” said Landon.

Tumas and several other servants guided them and carried their bags to their quarters. Two of the boys helped Landon to the healer while Tumas took Jonas and Fil to Landon’s room.

After following Tumas up several flights of stairs and down a couple long hallways, they passed through a strong oak door into a magnificent suite. The day’s astonishments continued as they looked upon the most wonderful room they had ever seen. The floors were covered with a shiny smooth rock and the furniture was polished, intricately carved, and of the finest quality. Two glass doors framed in polished wood led out onto a balcony facing the bustling city. Crimson silk drapes covered the windows and billowed gently as the warm spring breeze drifted through the openings. Jonas sniffed deeply, recognizing the smell of jasmine as the warm air wafted around the room.

Tumas set their packs on the floor and smiled at their astonished faces. “It is magnificent isn’t it? It is one of the rooms that the royal family uses to entertain other royalty or close friends. I assume you are Master Landon’s servants?”

“No, not really, we are his traveling companions. We met on the road from Tarsis no more than three weeks ago,” replied Fil.

“I see,” Tumas replied skeptically. “I will be here in the castle for most of the evening if you should need anything. I am preoccupied during the day as I am training to become a knight, but there will be other servants here to help you with anything that you need.”

“A knight? What is it like? Can anyone train to become a Finarthian Knight?” asked Fil excitedly.

“It is hard work and many long hours of study, but I love it; it’s all I’ve ever wanted. I will have two years of training as an apprentice. Then, when I’m eighteen, I must serve in the regular army for two years. After that, if I’ve done well, I can continue my training to be a knight. That can take several years. Not everyone can do it. You must be highborn or get a sponsor to apply.” Tumas turned to leave.

“Are you highborn?” asked Jonas.

Tumas turned back to face them. “I am. My father is a merchant and landowner. What about you?” asked Tumas.

“No, we are just woodsmen from a small town deep in the Tundren Mountains,” replied Fil sadly

“Well you would have to get a sponsor then,” Tumas said nonchalantly.

“How do you do that?” asked Fil eagerly.

“You need to find someone of importance, a noble or great warrior to vouch for you, and your character. There are also training fees that need to be paid for the probationary period. If you make it that far, then your training is free. I must be going now. There is a bath already drawn for you in the room to your left. I suggest you get cleaned up. I will have servants bring up some new clothes for you.” Tumas opened the door to leave.

“Thank you, Tumas. It was nice to meet you,” Jonas said sincerely.

“And you woodsmen. Enjoy your time in Finarth,” Tumas said with a smile as he shut the heavy door.

Jonas and Fil looked at each and began smiling until their faces were beaming walls of teeth. They began running around the room, exploring their quarters and investigating the magnificence of the décor. All the furniture was polished wood graced with hand carvings, and everywhere they looked they saw glittering items, like a silver mirror, a set of bronze candle holders flanking the fireplace, and even a set of crossed swords behind a giant silver shield with the Finarthian symbol cast in the middle.

Jonas ran into the bathing quarters first where he saw a huge depression built of the same shiny stone that covered the floor. It was filled with steaming water perfumed with the fragrance of rose petals. There was a big table and drawers next to a magnificent full size mirror. The mirror’s frame was built from huge pieces of dark wood. Detailed carvings of vines wrapped around the piece and at closer inspection Jonas could even make out clusters of grapes expertly depicted within the wood.

“Fil, look at this!” Jonas yelled, turning his attention to the bath. He sat on the edge and tested the water. It was warm and inviting, making Jonas realize how dirty and smelly Copyright 2016 - 2024