The Cavalier - By Jason McWhirter Page 0,60

the face of the gate as it swung open, allowing the knights to continue into the heart of the city. The front of the inner gate was covered in sheets of black steel and in the very center was the Finarthian symbol, the fist in front of the shining sun, made from a silvery metal that sparkled in the sun. The symbol was breathtakingly beautiful and obviously made by a master craftsman. And it was giant, as big around as a frost giant’s shield.

“How did they get all this water in here?” Fil asked.

“Master engineers diverted the Talem River. It flows in from the north side and makes a U shaped path around the city where it is then channeled back to its normal course,” Landon explained.

“But how,” Jonas began.

“Magic,” Landon interjected. “It was the court wizard’s father who created the moat eighty years ago,” Landon continued. “I do not know specifically how it was done, as engineering and magic are not included in my talents.”

“What is a court wizard?” Jonas asked.

“The skill of magic is very rare and most do not have the time, tenacity, nor the gold to master the studies needed to wield magic. Most kings can provide the funding and time that wizards require. It is a mutually beneficial relationship, for a king’s power increases with a loyal wizard at his side. Usually, as it is here in Finarth, the court wizard is a lord who passes on his skill to his sons so that the connection with the royal family continues. They swear loyalty to their kings and their relationship is a bond of trust. King Kromm of Tarsis also has a court wizard.”

“I see,” Jonas replied, eagerly taking in Landon’s words.

Once they entered the city Jonas was assaulted with so much activity and noise that he couldn’t focus on any one spot. His head buzzed with the sounds and smells of the bustling city. People were everywhere, walking the cobble stone roads, buying and selling goods in the markets that seemed to line every street. The buildings were made of stone and wood and some were so magnificent that they had potted plants and flowering roses and other plants that Jonas had never seen. And the massive structures weren’t just one level, they climbed as high as trees and many had small balconies and various statues and carvings adorning them.

Continuing on through the main street they arrived at the king’s castle deep within the city. The inner castle was made of a white stone, and the thick timber gate was edged and bound in black iron. They entered through the gate into a huge courtyard paved with flat stones. Servants bustled forward, attending to the horses of the knights who had dismounted and were heading towards their barracks. It was routine for them, but for Jonas and Fil everything they saw was a new experience beyond their imagination. Slack jawed, they stared in awe at all the people, the massive buildings and walls surrounding them in an almost suffocating embrace.

The servant boys took the horses to the stables where Landon explained they would be cleaned and fed. Landon told the boys that the inner castle was so big that it had four courtyards all the size of the one they had entered. The king had over two thousand troops living within these walls. These were the Finarthian Knights, the elite of King Gavinsteal’s forces. He had another ten thousand troops living within the city walls and he could call on an additional twenty thousand soldiers that were on leave to work their farms and fields throughout the expanse of the Finarthian lands.

Lathrin walked up to Landon’s wagon followed by several servants. “My men will provide barracks and food for your mercenaries. Let me take you to a healer and to your room where you can get cleaned up for your audience with the king. I will have a room prepared for Allindrian as well,” announced the third lance.

“That is most gracious, my friend. I would like these two boys to come with me. This is Fil Tanrey and Jonas Kanrene.”

Lathrin’s ice blue eyes gave them a quick wondering look. “Well met. I am Lathrin, third lance of the Finarthian Knights. Tumas here will lead you to your rooms and make sure that you have everything that you need.”

A young man, about the same age as Fil and Jonas, stepped forward, smiling and nodding his head in greeting. Tumas was tall and wiry thin and Copyright 2016 - 2024