The Cavalier - By Jason McWhirter Page 0,44

sword. Where is he now?” asked Landon.

“He is dead, killed by a Banthra,” Jonas replied sadly. Landon was taken aback. Even Allindrian looked up with shock.

“What!” Landon asked. “That cannot be, he was unbeatable, and a Banthra you say? I cannot believe it!” Landon exclaimed in disbelief.

“Landon, let him finish the story,” interjected Allindrian. “Then we will try and make some sense out of this troubling news.”

“Yes, you’re quite right, Allindrian. It is just such a shock. Go ahead young man, finish your tale.”

Jonas looked at Fil who nodded his head for Jonas to continue. It took Jonas about twenty minutes to tell the tale. Fil interrupted often to fill in the gaps and finally he got to the part where the ogre had attacked their cave hideout. Fil looked at him uncertainly as he skipped over the part about the symbol on his chest, the warning he was given, and the healing that he received. In fact Jonas never mentioned that he was once a cripple. He didn’t know how they would react to him being God Marked, and quite frankly, he really didn’t know how to explain it. He thought it best to keep that hidden for now until he knew more about it himself.

“So, young Jonas, you dropped an ogre with your bow?” Cyn asked with a hint of disbelief.

“He did. He shot the ogre twice at sixty paces. One arrow hit the thing in the hip and the other in the back. Then he hit the beast a third time in the neck. That is when the ogre charged him and I came out of the cave. I didn’t know what to do so I ran at the beast with my spear as the creature charged Jonas like an angry bull. It was incredible. Jonas stopped, nocked another arrow, and dropped to his knee while the ogre charged. When the roaring beast got within ten paces, Jonas loosed the shaft which hit the beast in its open mouth. The ogre’s head snapped back and the thing stumbled around. That is when I came up behind it and stabbed it with my spear. The ogre was already dying though. He just stumbled around and then fell face first into the snow. It was amazing. He saved my life,” Fil stated proudly.

The warriors around the campfire looked at each other, their expressions revealing a newfound respect for the young boys.

“That is quite a feat, young man; to face a charging ogre with a bow. You have steady nerves. You should be proud; both of you should be,” Cyn spoke, his shadowed eyes looking at them with respect.

Landon then spoke up. “You boys have told an amazing story and my heart is heavy for your loss. This is news that must be brought to King Gavinsteal of Finarth. Airos’s death is a huge loss to us all…and a Banthra attacking your town, it makes no sense. I guess the rumors are true then,” he said sadly.

“What rumors, sir?” asked Jonas.

“The rumors that Malbeck the Dark One is back and that a new evil is spreading south from the Black Lands and Banrith Castle. If your story is true, and a Banthra attacked your town, whatever the reason was, the Dark One must be back. Tarsis borders the Black Lands and Banrith. The fortress of Malbeck has been trouble for the royal family of Tarsis for thousands of years.” Landon noticed the boys’ confused look. “Do you not know the story of Malbeck the Dark One?” he asked, seeing the boy’s bewildered expressions.

“We know very little. We are from a small mountain town, sir. We all struggled to survive every day and had little time for stories of the past. I know of the Dark One, but not anything of detail,” stated Fil.

“I see, well, I will have to remedy that. A thousand years ago, the ruler of Banrith Castle was Malbeck Dysander who was a ruthless king. He taxed his people heavily, ruling with an iron fist. Slavery, rape, and murder were commonplace in his kingdom. He became a follower of Gould, as the dark god’s creed resembled his own. Besides, he hunted for power, and Gould could provide what he wanted,” Landon continued as more than one man around the campfire made the sign of the High One on his chest at the mention of Gould, the tormentor. “Gould gave him power but molded him into his servant. Many years came and went and Malbeck grew in power. Copyright 2016 - 2024