The Cavalier - By Jason McWhirter Page 0,43

going to hide in the woods and stare at me or join me at my fire?” the stranger said in a soft melodic voice, finally lifting his head and turning towards Jonas and Fil. “Have no fear, I will not harm you.”

Jonas noticed that he was not a he after all, but a woman, with a soft and comforting voice. Jonas and Fil looked at each other uncertainly. They really had no choice now, she knew they were there. Jonas wasn’t sure how she could have known; they had been very quiet and were both decent at the art of woodcraft. Fil had developed his skill during the many years of hunting with his father, and Jonas had learned that he was a natural. Hunting and moving silently in the forest required great concentration and focus, and Jonas had learned over the last few months that he had both traits in great quantities.

Stepping from the darkness, Jonas and Fil slowly approached her. They walked into the light shed by the fire. The lady pulled off her hood so they could see her better. She still held her hunting knife at her side, unthreatening.

Jonas and Fil gasped inwardly, their breath catching in their throats. She was beautiful, with long blond hair cascading past her shoulders, a soft but angular face with a petite nose. Her lips were thin, but inviting, with just a touch of pink that contrasted beautifully with her smooth fair skin. But it was her eyes that really held them spellbound. They were larger than normal, oval in shape and sparkling with intelligence and fire.

Suddenly some of the men around the large fire noticed the newcomers. They quickly unsheathed their swords as they approached the lady’s fire. The men were led by a large bearded warrior with dark, deep set eyes.

“Who are you? What is your business here?” the warrior asked brusquely advancing on the boys.

“It’s okay, Cyn, they are harmless,” stated the blond woman. When she turned her head to speak to the warrior, Jonas noticed that her ears were pointed and protruding noticeably from her hair.

“You’re an elf?” he asked dumbstruck.

The lady looked back at him smiling. “I’m a half-elf. Now, please state your names and your reason for sneaking around our campfires so the good captain here will put away his sword,” she said with a hint of humor.

“I’m sorry lady, but we meant no offense. I am Jonas Kanrene and this is my friend, Fil Tanrey. We are from the mountain town of Manson.”

“I am no highborn lady, Jonas. You may call me Allindrian. Cyn, will you please put away your blade.”

Cyn looked at her and back at Jonas. “I know this town. Good stout people. How is Braal, the huntsman?” he asked, sheathing his sword.

“Dead,” Fil stated bluntly. “Our entire town is gone, destroyed by boargs.”

Everyone stared at Fil with surprised expressions, unsure if they heard him correctly.

“That is what brings us here, Allindrian, we have nothing left. We are trying to get to Finarth to join the king’s army,” Jonas added.

More men moved around the half-elf’s fire. A heavy set man wearing a dark traveling cloak stepped forward. His face was slightly round and his head was covered with short curly brown hair streaked with gray. The man smiled warmly at the two boys, holding out his hand in greeting.

“My name is Landon Bylock. I am a merchant and trader from Tarsis and this is my caravan.” He shook each of their hands. “It sounds like you boys have been through a lot. Why don’t you join us at the fire, take some food, and tell us this tale. How does that sound?” Landon’s genuine smile was comforting and Jonas couldn’t help but like him.

“We would like that, sir. Thank you for your generosity. It has been a while since we’ve had a good warm meal,” Jonas said.

Jonas and Fil sat around the large fire, eating a hot bowl of flavorful meaty stew, and drinking cold mountain water. Jonas felt awkward being the center of attention, but he was grateful for the food and the warm fire, and he felt at ease with these men. Tough warriors surrounded him, and for the first time in a long while he felt safe.

Jonas began the story. When he got to the part when Airos, the cavalier, appeared, Landon interrupted him.

“I have met Airos once before in Tarsis. He is a first rank cavalier, an amazing man, and almost as skilled as Allindrian with a Copyright 2016 - 2024