The Cavalier - By Jason McWhirter Page 0,24

the source of the noise.

Lorna stood just to the left of the door of Gorum’s home. She was so frightened, more frightened than she could ever imagine, but she was not scared for herself, she was terrified for her son. She could not imagine the deadly teeth of the boargs tearing into her helpless son’s body. She would not let that happen. She would die trying to stop it.

In her hand she held a razor sharp bread knife as long as her forearm. She heard the boargs outside ransacking the homes, and she knew it was only a matter of time before they entered Gorum’s home.

Suddenly a fist pounded on the locked door. The loud noise brought her out of her reverie. She gripped her knife harder, her heart pounding in her head.

“Lorna, it’s me, Gorum, open up the door!”

Lorna let out her held breath, quickly lifting up the heavy oak beam and opening the door. Gorum rushed in and shut the door while Lorna replaced the beam. He was covered in blood and he had a huge claw mark from ear to collar bone, his iron sword was dripping crimson on the wood floor.

“We have to get out of here! We will not win this fight! Get Jonas and let’s make a run for it into the mountains. We’ll grab as many survivors as we can!” He grabbed a bag by the door that was already filled with provisions.

“Are you sure? Can we make it?” asked Lorna.

“I don’t know! But if we stay, we die! That I do know!”

The door suddenly exploded inward, sending splinters and wood fragments into Lorna and Gorum, sending them both sprawling backwards to land hard on the cabin floor.

Two huge boargs entered the room, stepping over the destroyed door, looking around hungrily, their deadly clawed hands scraping on the wooden floor as they slowly looked around, sniffing the air for their next victim.


Airos looked around quickly before returning his gaze to the unhorsed Banthra. It was not going well. The boargs were destroying the people of Manson. I have to kill this Banthra, thought Airos. It is their only chance.

The Banthra lifted its sword in the air and screamed, the screeching noise assaulting the men as they tried to fight, the Banthra simultaneously ramming the blade deep into the ground.

Airos recognized the use of magic and called on Ulren’s magic as well, but he was too slow. As the Banthra’s blade hit the earth a bolt of powerful energy traveled through the ground towards Airos. The ground erupted in a straight path and struck Suatha and Airos as the Banthra released the full power of the attack causing the ground to explode under Airos.

Suatha and Airos flew backwards landing heavily on the ground five paces away. Airos’s body was protected by Suatha’s powerful form so the courageous steed took the brunt of the attack. Airos struggled to get up and regain his footing, but his horse lay still, her underside burning and smoldering and one leg broken, hanging at an impossible angle.

Airos’s anger burned deep but controlled. He drew his long hunting knife with his left hand, holding his sword with his right he advanced on the approaching Banthra, his piercing eyes pits of boiling rage.


Gorum quickly scrambled to his feet, holding his heavy blade out in front of him. Lorna sprang up as well, running to stand next to him with her pitiful knife.

The boargs both hissed, a sound that Gorum now recognized as laughter. Gorum said nothing. He simply looked at Lorna, a silent ‘I’m sorry’ blanketing his face, and then he attacked the boargs with speed that seemed impossible for his size.

Gorum leaped at the first one, swinging his sword in a sideways arc hoping to kill it with the first blow, knowing that he would never be able to kill them both if he did not dispatch the first one quickly.

But the boarg was just too fast. Its long arm snaked out, grabbing the wooden chair nearby and holding it up, blocking the deadly blade. The blade crashed into the wood, shattering the chair as the boarg used its other arm to open up a gash along Gorum’s right shoulder. Gorum stumbled back and saw to his horror that the other boarg had leaped upon Lorna. But he was powerless to help her as the boarg in front of him continued the attack by leaping into the air in an attempt to pin him down with its strong clawed hands Copyright 2016 - 2024