The Cavalier - By Jason McWhirter Page 0,23

Airos thundered to the center of the line, white light erupting from them like a star. The men hastily moved back behind Airos, their weapons held before them. The boargs did the same, moving quickly behind the Banthra who had backed away from the light.

The Banthra’s scream sent a chill through everyone, and the men looked around nervously, retreating slowly backwards. Airos lifted his sword high, the white light flaring even brighter. As the light bathed the men in its magical warmth, they became invigorated, their muscles no longer tired, their fear erased, new energy and purpose coursing through their veins. They held out their weapons and set their feet firmly in the ground with new resolve. The powerful light slowly dissipated, but it did not totally go away. It was as if Airos and Suatha were outlined in it, a white light that glowed steadily.

“You are not wanted here demon spawn! Your very presence blights this land! Come, and let me send you back to the dark pits from which you were created!” Airos roared.

The Banthra made a rasping, hissing noise, as if it were laughing. “A cavalier; it has been a thousand years since I’ve had the pleasure of killing one.” The Banthra drew a massive sword from its back and held the blade out to the side. The blade erupted with orange and red flames. “Prepare to meet your precious god, cavalier, for you are about to die.”

Like a rock flung from a sling, the Banthra bolted towards Airos with its sword held high. Airos and Suatha shot forward to meet the charge. The boargs followed their master and flung themselves forward, pouncing upon the sturdy men of Manson.

The glowing blades of the mighty warriors clashed over and over again, sending sparks and magical energy into the air. The Banthra’s devil steed broke through Suatha’s defenses and sunk its teeth deeply into the side of her neck. Airos saw the move, kicking the horse in the face hoping to dislodge the dangerous fangs. The Banthra, taking advantage of the sudden opening, swung its sword down and across Airos’s exposed leg. The blade glanced across his cuisse that protected his upper thigh and made a shallow cut just above the kneecap. Suatha used her powerful head and smashed it against the demon horse until its jaws tore away flesh and they both pulled apart, circling each other.

The shallow cut on Airos’s leg burned with pain. Even a shallow cut from a Banthra’s weapon can kill, for the blades and armor of the black knights are cursed. But Airos was a cavalier, and the pain began to subside as he closed the wound with his magic.

“Do you feel it, cavalier, your life nearing its end?” The Banthra hissed mockingly.

Airos laughed loudly. “That is your folly fallen one. I have no fear of death, but you are already dead. You are nothing without the twisted magic that makes you what you are! You are empty!” Airos yelled as he and Suatha leaped forward again. This time Suatha led the charge with her front hooves, and Airos, faster than the eye could see, flung his sword to his left hand.

Suatha’s hooves pounded into the Banthra and it was forced backwards, his sword held to the side. Airos, his blade now on the near side of the Banthra, swung it down on top of the neck of the demon horse. The black steed tried to turn its head away from the deadly blade but all that did was expose the side of its neck even more. Eight inches of Airos’s blade sunk in just to the right of the vertebrae, slicing all the way through the side of the neck. The devilish horse screamed, staggering backwards, black blood pulsing from the long gash on its neck. As the steed stumbled to the ground, the Banthra jumped from its back to land squarely on his feet.


Jonas was not sure how much longer he could stay in his hiding place. It was pitch black and he could hear the screams of the fighting outside. The sounds were all muffled but he could tell that horrible things were happening as he hid away in the safe confines of his hole. He felt like a coward and that did not bode well with him. But what can I do, he thought. I would just get in the way.

Suddenly a loud noise erupted from inside Gorum’s home. Jonas strained to hear what was happening and to recognize Copyright 2016 - 2024