The Cavalier - By Jason McWhirter Page 0,204


“It is easy to feel that way, Fil. Perhaps she is being ambiguous for a reason, to protect Jonas.”

“How do you mean?” Fil asked doubtfully.

“What if he, or we, are captured by agents of the Forsworn. They will do whatever they can to learn of Kromm’s importance. If we don’t know the exact reason then we cannot divulge the information, no matter what they do to us.”

Jonas stirred the hot coals with his stick as he thought about what Taleen had said. “I’m sure that this mission’s purpose will be revealed to us as she sees fit. There must be a good reason…”

Some commotion to their left interrupted them and all three turned their attention to a rider who appeared from the darkness. He was a Finarthian Knight riding a large chestnut warhorse.

“I’m sorry to interrupt, cavalier,” the man said, addressing Jonas. “The high commander is ready for you now. If you will please follow me.”

Jonas looked at his friends and stood up smoothly. Tulari, understanding that it was time, rode from the darkness to nuzzle his head on Jonas’s shoulder.

“May Bandris be with you,” Taleen said as she shook his hand in the warrior’s grip.

Jonas shook her hand and smiled warmly. “I’ll be fine. I’ll be with Kiln.”

“You’re watching his back, but who will be watching yours?” asked Fil as he, too, shook Jonas’s hand.

“Why, Shyann of course.” Jonas smiled at them both, mounted his horse, and with a soft touch of his heel, Tulari was off into the night, leaving his two friends staring into the darkness.

There were only three people in the king’s chamber, Kiln, Jonas, and the Finarthian wizard, Alerion. Alerion had explained to them the process but Jonas was a little apprehensive. Disappearing and then reappearing in an enemy tent wasn’t something that most people did. Stepping into the unknown concerned him. But he would be ready to fight next to his friend if need be.

Alerion drew the two men in close to him so he could explain the spell and what they could expect from it. “Now, we are hoping that he will be alone. I have scryed him several times at this time and he was always asleep. But I dare not scrye him again for it weakens me and I need to rest afterward. I will need my strength to cast the teleportation spell and I want to make sure I’m strong in the event that something goes wrong.” Kiln and Jonas simply looked on and waited for the wizard to continue. “When I cast the spell you will feel somewhat dizzy and a bit weightless. After several seconds of darkness, your eyes will see your new destination. It happens rather quickly and is painless, but it may take a few seconds to feel normal after the dizziness. Do you both understand?”

Jonas and Kiln nodded. Kiln was wearing black leather pants and a light chain mail shirt under his black tunic. His wrists and thighs were protected with metal and leather bands and he wore his long sword and dagger at his belt. His eyes reflected nothing but concentration on the task at hand.

Kiln looked at Jonas. “You ready?”

“I am,” replied Jonas.

“Remember, stay back and alert in case I need you. I will take care of Moredin. If there are minions of the Dark One in that room, take them out. If not, then find the prince while I kill Lord Moredin.” Kiln redirected his gaze to Alerion. “Whatever happens protect yourself. You are the only one who can get us out. If it looks like things are going badly then teleport us back, but only if Jonas and I can’t handle what we find. Do you understand?”

“I do. Are you ready?” asked Alerion.

Jonas and Kiln looked at each other as they gripped their weapons. Jonas nodded in affirmation. “We are,” answered Kiln.

Alerion began to chant. The words sounded elvish to Jonas but he wasn’t quite sure. Jonas was watching Alerion as the wizard closed his eyes and recited the words of power.

After a few moments of chanting everything got a little blurry, just as Alerion said they would. Jonas brought both his hands to his swords and whispered a silent prayer to Shyann just as everything went black. His eyes were open but he couldn’t see anything. He felt light, as if he was nothing but air. The sensation lasted for several moments.

Suddenly light came flaring back to him as his eyes adjusted to his new surroundings. His head spun a Copyright 2016 - 2024