The Cavalier - By Jason McWhirter Page 0,203

other agents of the Forsworn with him as well. We just don’t know. But we need Lord Moredin dead to halt their attacks on us as we retreat to Finarth. We are losing too many men and the retreat is taking too long. It will be done tonight.”

“And I will be at your side,” Jonas confirmed.

“I am glad you agree to come with me,” Kiln said. “I just hope we arrive in time to find the prince alive. Alerion, will you please explain to Jonas how this will work.”

Alerion looked at Jonas and spoke for the first time. “The spell I will be using is a teleportation spell. I have enough power to teleport four people only. I will get us three inside the tent where the prince is being held. From there we will have to work fast. When Moredin is killed and the prince is freed I will teleport the four of us back.”

“Alerion, I thought that in order for a teleportation spell to work you had to have been to the location where you are going. Have you seen Lord Moredin’s tent?” asked Taleen.

“You are correct, cavalier. And no, I have not seen Lord Moredin’s tent. But I have scryed his tent and learned its location and lay out. That is how I learned that Prince Baylin is still alive and located there. The spell shouldn’t pose a problem.”

“Scryed? The word is unfamiliar to me,” Jonas said.

“Scrying is a magical means to find someone, to spy on them. It is very taxing and you need to have an article that belonged to the individual you are trying to find. The spell is very useful, but it requires a lot of energy,” answered the wizard.

“I see. What if we appear in his tent and Lord Moredin is not alone?” asked Jonas.

“Then your swords and my magic will have to be enough,” replied Alerion matter-of-factly.

“When will we do this?” asked Jonas.

“Late tonight, when he should be alone and asleep,” replied Kiln.

“Very well, I will be ready,” Jonas said.

“I will send a messenger to your tent when the time is upon us,” added Kiln. “Now go, get some rest. We have other plans to discuss and not enough time in the day to discuss them.”

Jonas, Fil, and Taleen turned and walked from the tent as the military leaders continued to discuss strategy and peruse the maps on the table.

The three comrades talked for hours around the campfire as they waited for the messenger to come. The sounds and smells of the Finarthian army blanketed the hills around them. Yesterday had been a bloody day of hardship as they tried to retreat back to Finarth. Lord Moredin’s men, including thousands of tribesmen, made constant hit and run attacks on the retreating army. Kiln was forced to stagger their retreat in groups, several akrons moved back while others stayed and protected the retreating groups. They did this all day. It was very tiring and casualties were high on both sides.

Most of the men were sleeping while the trio stayed up and discussed the adventure ahead of them.

“I wonder why it is so important to find King Kromm and bring him back?” Jonas said as he stirred the fire with a stick.

“I’m not sure. Not being from here, I am unfamiliar with who he is or the history of these lands. But Shyann must have her reason,” Taleen replied thoughtfully.

“I have heard men talk of the king of Tarsis,” added Fil as he looked at both his companions. “He is always spoken of with respect and awe. He is known by all warriors as a warrior king, unstoppable in battle and strategy. Men speak of him as if he is a god. It is said that he can fight all day and never tire and his colossal size makes a boarg shake with fear. It is likely he will be needed here to help King Baylin.”

“If he was already defeated in Tarsis then why would his help be needed here?” Jonas asked.

“We do not know what happened in Tarsis,” Taleen answered. “There are many variables in war, Jonas. Maybe he was surprised, maybe there were spies within Tarsis, maybe he finally made a mistake, or maybe the army that faced him was just too powerful. Maybe we will need to combine all the strength of Tarsis, Finarth, and their vassals, to defeat the Dark One.”

“Why can’t Shyann just tell you why Kromm is needed? I fail to understand the games gods play,” Fil Copyright 2016 - 2024