The Cavalier - By Jason McWhirter Page 0,175

face the charge.

Jonas and the Bantrha maneuvered their huge horses side by side, exchanging blow for blow, their magical weapons meeting in a shower of sparks.

In one close exchange, the Banrtha was able to reach down and grasp Jonas’s leg with its gauntleted hand, and at the same time deflect one of Jonas’s swords. The Banthra’s fist glowed red, sending a burst of burning energy into the cavalier.

Jonas screamed and Tulari bolted backwards away from the demon. His leg was badly burned but he didn’t have time to heal himself for the Banthra quickly attacked again. The demon came in with its axe raised, ready for a killing blow.

Jonas saw the blow coming and instinctively used his IshMian powers, stopping the blade in mid-swing, immobilizing the demon’s entire arm in energy that only he could see. Jonas worried about using the power so early in the fight, as the toll in doing so could be too great, causing him severe headaches, and in some cases debilitating him. But the blow came so quick that Jonas had no choice.

The puzzled Banthra had little time to try and figure out why his axe wouldn’t move. Jonas took advantage of the brief pause and lunged with his right saber, driving his blade deep into the shoulder of the Banthra.

The demon hissed and dropped the axe to the ground as its steed jumped back from the attack. The Banthra then lifted both hands and screamed several words of power that Jonas did not recognize. Jonas sensed what was coming and used his mental powers to quickly create a swirling shield of energy in front of him. An observer would have seen an iridescent wall of bluish magic swirling before him.

The Banthra’s flames shot forth from his hands, hitting the wall with an explosion. The power was immense and it was all Jonas could do to maintain the mental shield. His head pounded from the pain of using his powers to hold back the burning flames conjured by something as powerful as a Banthra. But he clenched his teeth and willed the energy wall to hold. He could feel the heat of the magical fire through the shield, but none of the deadly flames struck him.

Taleen was struggling against the dark priest. The evil priest used his lance perfectly, deflecting every blow that Taleen sent his way, but he was tiring. Taleen kept at it furiously, her God Light gradually draining the energy from the dark warrior.

Then the priest used his warhorse to give him some time, forcing the animal to rear up and attempting to bring its front hooves down on top of Taleen. Her steed reacted quickly, perfectly maneuvering away just in time. The deadly hooves didn’t find their mark, but it gave the priest a few precious moments to cast his spell.

He muttered a few words and threw something to the ground between them. A massive black spider suddenly appeared before her. The bulk of the creature was several paces wide and each leg at least two paces long. Nearly the height of a horse, its ugly hairy head was at eye level with her. The spider clicked its long sharp mandibles together and leaped into the air towards Taleen.

All she could do was scream and raise her sword to try and deflect the nasty creature. Kormac, her horse, quickly jumped away from the attack. The spider just missed her, but several of the long hairy legs had hooked into her cape, pulling her down from her saddle. She swung her sword in a deadly arc as she flew through the air, slicing one of the legs off as she landed hard on the ground, which momentarily knocked the wind out of her. But she frantically regained her composure and scrambled back up to her feet.

The spider hissed from the pain but moved in quickly for the kill.

Jonas and the Banthra were locked in magical combat. Finally the Bantrha’s flames ceased and Jonas released the mental shield. The Banthra hissed in frustration as it pivoted its horse back and forth, trying to figure out a way to destroy the troublesome cavalier.

Jonas’s head felt like it was going to explode and he slumped over briefly in his saddle, but he managed to push the pain away and concentrate on the deadly foe before him. He could not risk the use of his IshMian powers again, fearing that he would lose consciousness. So he spun both his blades in the air and urged Tulari Copyright 2016 - 2024