The Cavalier - By Jason McWhirter Page 0,174

few, and even amongst cavaliers it was rare.

“Cavaliers!” hissed the Banthra.

The two priests gripped their long lances angling their sharp tips toward the approaching threat. The shafts of the lances were smooth and black and the steel points were as long as a short sword, dark in color with a sharp edge that sparkled like silver in contrast to the black metal. Just as they brought their weapons to bear, two arrows slammed into one of the priests, both hitting him in the chest. The magical bolts sunk in deep and the priest’s enchanted armor could not protect him against Taleen’s blessed arrows. He fell from his horse, landing heavily on the ground.

As the cavaliers galloped past the prince, their white light blanketed the area, evaporating the oppressive fear that had immobilized him. In control of his body again, the prince quickly moved his horse away from the Banthra as Jonas flew at the demon, both sabers held before him.

The Banthra hissed angrily as the God Light washed over him. He drew forth a deadly looking battle axe that was bladed on one end, opposed by a long spike on the other.

Jonas’s heart pounded in his chest as he drew near the black knight. He screamed Shyann’s name, pushing away his fear and urging Tulari forward. Jonas did not have much combat experience, and facing a Banthra as an untried cavalier had filled him with fear. But he remembered his training with Kiln, and he thought of his connection with Shyann, forcing the uneasy thoughts away.

Taleen expertly sheathed her bow on Kormac’s side and drew forth her sword as she closed the distance to the second priest. He lifted his lance and whispered several words of power. The lance head glowed red shooting forth a stream of red orange flames toward her.

Her horse pivoted at the last minute, the flames shooting by her, but cinging the side of her horse and her right leg. Taleen grimaced, her God Light shining brightly as she brought her sword down towards the evil priest. He backed away from the light, lifting his magical lance to block the blow. Taleen swung her sword expertly, attacking the retreating priest left and right, trying to score a killing blow.

As Tulari rammed into the demon horse, Jonas didn’t waste any time in attacking. His twin sabers worked independently as Tulari guided him perfectly around the Banthra. Jonas had never been on a horse such as Tulari and he had no idea what the horse was capable of. Luckily he didn’t have to know. Tulari needed no guidance as he positioned Jonas perfectly as the two combatants traded blow for blow.

But the dark warrior’s horse was no ordinary animal. The beast used its massive head to bash Tulari in his flanks, trying to get him off balance so its master could destroy the cavalier. But Tulari’s size and strength allowed him to shake off the blows, hammering his own head and shoulders into the beast. The Banthra wielded its axe to fend off the attacks as both animals danced left and right, tearing up grass and dirt, trying to gain an advantage.

Prince Baylin was an experienced warrior and he didn’t waste his good fortune. He rejoined the fight, fighting off any enemy cavalry that neared the battling cavaliers. It wasn’t long before Dagrinal galloped up to the prince on his tired warhorse, his sword wet with enemy blood. “Lord, I tried to get near you when the Banthra approached, but I was surrounded by enemies,” the weary warrior said as the chaos of battle whirled around them.

“Thankfully the cavaliers intervened. I could not even move against that abomination,” the prince replied as he scanned the battle field.

Both men pivoted their warhorses back and forth as they spoke, ready to attack their foes and hoping the cavaliers had changed the tide of battle in their favor.

Things were looking better. The center was holding, although the prince was not sure how. The cavaliers had given the men a jolt of hope and the fighting seemed to be swinging in their favor.

“Is that Jonas?” asked Dagrinal in astonishment.

“I don’t know. I can’t tell under that horned helm he is wearing. I don’t recognize the female cavalier either,” replied the prince as four boargs leaped over the heads of several nearby fighting men and ran towards the two warriors. The animals moved with lighting speed and Dagrinal and Prince Baylin lifted their weapons to defend themselves as their horses positioned them to Copyright 2016 - 2024