The Cavalier - By Jason McWhirter Page 0,158

it out after they warmed their bellies with good food and hot tea. As he collected small branches from the plentiful shrubs, Taleen set up their sleeping rolls, while Jonas tethered the horses to one of the thick shrubs that grew like weeds across the grasslands.

Jonas was tying off the rope when he heard a horse whinny in the distance. “What was that?” he asked, standing up quickly, his hand moving to one of his swords.

Taleen and Kiln got to their feet as well, looking towards the sound. In the distance, cresting a gentle hill stood a magnificent white horse. The sun was setting behind the hill, silhouetting the majestic animal like a fine painting.

The horse whinnied again, rearing up on its hind legs. Jonas looked closer and saw that the animal was wearing silver plate mail that covered its head and chest. The horse also had a saddle that was rigged with sparkling silver buckles.

Taleen looked at Jonas and smiled. “I think your steed has arrived,” she said as Jonas stared at the horse in wonder.

“You think so?”

The horse was now running down the hill toward them. As it neared them, Jonas’s breath caught in his throat. It was the most striking horse he had ever seen. Its bright white coat was perfectly smooth and shining like it had been recently washed and brushed. The horse’s white mane bounced and fluttered in the wind as it galloped towards them.

There was not a speck of dirt on the animal. Its entire body was milky white, like freshly churned cream. The horse stopped ten paces away and looked right at Jonas. The plate mail on its chest was embossed with the silver and blue emblem of Shyann. The silver steel was mirror-like and it shone with brilliance. The black leather saddle was polished and lined with gleaming pieces of metal. Under the saddle lay a blue and silver cloth that rested over a blanket of sparkling chain mail. The horse snorted, nodding its head toward Jonas, seemingly beckoning him to approach. Jonas stood there awestruck.

“I think he wants you to come to him,” muttered Kiln, who was also staring in wonder at the incredible animal.

Jonas slowly approached the white horse. It gazed at him calmly, standing perfectly still. As Jonas neared the animal he was surprised at how big it was.

Taleen was also awed by the animal’s size and splendor. “That is the biggest, most magnificent horse I have ever seen,” she said.

“He must be over twenty hands tall,” added Kiln.

Jonas reached out, touching the horse on the head. Instantly Jonas felt a warmth flow through his hand. The horse turned and looked at him and Jonas clearly saw the intelligence in its deep black eyes. He gently stroked the animal’s head, laying his other hand on the horse’s muscular neck. Its glistening coat revealed rippling muscles forming the most perfect specimen of any steed Jonas had ever seen. He noticed that the saddle was covered with intricate artwork, embossed symbols of the gods, many of which Jonas recognized from the Kulam. Every piece of leather and shining metal that made up the saddle and harness had some sort of etching or carving. There was also a place for his bow and quiver.

Jonas’s hands moved down the animal’s side as he admired the horse’s perfect form. The horse was so large that the saddle was level with his eyes. He noticed that there was a blue cloth rolled up behind the saddle and strapped down with black buckles. Jonas unbuckled the cloth, lifting it off the horse. It was turquoise blue and made from a soft and flowing fabric. He unfurled it, holding it out before him. The outer fabric was like wool, but much softer, and the inside was lined with another fabric, something similar to cotton. It was a fine cloak, edged with silver thread, and on the back of the garment was a magnificent embroidered oak tree. It was the very same symbol that covered Jonas’s chest and the armor on the front of the horse.

“There can be no doubt, that horse is your cavalier steed,” Taleen said.

Jonas smiled, flipping the cloak over his shoulders. There was a silver clasp with a blue sapphire in the middle. He clipped the clasp together and glanced up at Taleen and Kiln. “How do I look?” he asked with a big smile on his face.

“Like a cavalier,” replied Kiln evenly.

Jonas turned his attention back to the horse who was still staring Copyright 2016 - 2024