The Cavalier - By Jason McWhirter Page 0,157

of the approaching army. Every modrig had been briefed daily as the enemy advanced into their lands.

Fil, Calden, and several other warriors sat around their fire discussing the news. Their army was spread as far as they could see and thousands of sparkling fires covered the grassy plains just beyond the Lindsor Bridge. The warriors with Fil and Calden were new recruits. Jack was a tall lean warrior who had joined the king’s forces a year ago. He was a kind quiet man who Fil had immediately taken a liking to. Lumis, his short haired blonde friend, had just joined the army several months ago. Lumis was stout and more square shouldered and definitely the talkative one.

“What do you think?” asked Lumis as he stoked the warm coals with a stick.

“What do you mean, what do we think?” asked Calden.

“About the orcs and goblins,” replied Lumis. Scouts had come in just that day and informed the king that Lord Moredin now marched with over ten thousand orcs and goblins. And to their dismay, they had also sighted ogres and boargs in the enemy ranks.

“I think we will kill them just like the rest,” muttered Fil under his breath. Fil’s mood had changed the last couple of days. He had become somber and agitated, his fear being replaced by a cold resolve to enact his revenge. Fil wanted nothing more than to kill and destroy the army that was approaching.

“Yeah, I guess we will,” added Calden, looking at his friend with concern.

“I’ve never seen an orc or goblin before, have any of you?” asked Lumis.

“I saw a dead orc once,” said Jack. “My father and I were hunting at the base of the Tundrens and we came across a ripped and torn body of an orc. A bear had killed it. It was hard to recognize, but my pa said it was an orc. It was pretty big and thick.”

“If it has a heart it can be killed,” Fil said, looking up at Jack. “If it bleeds, it can die. Boargs are tougher than orcs, but I’ve killed them before, and I will kill more.”

Lumis and Jack looked at Fil with interest. “You’ve killed a boarg before?” asked Jack.

Calden knew of Fil’s story but Fil had not brought up what had happened to his village to anyone outside of his knight apprentice group.

“Yes. They massacred my friends and family.” The intensity in Fil’s eyes was unnerving.

“I’m sorry, Fil. I did not know,” Jack responded sincerely.

Fil stood up abruptly. “I will get my revenge. Let them come.” He reached down, picked up his spear, and walked away into the darkness.

They watched him leave before Lumis spoke up. “I didn’t know that his family was killed. What happened?”

Calden added another log onto the fire. “Fil and his friend, Jonas, lost their entire village to boargs almost four years ago. He has not forgotten it.”

“I imagine not, nor would I,” Jack replied.

“What happened to his friend?” asked Lumis.

“I am not at liberty to say. But I will tell you that Jonas left the knight apprenticeship several years ago. We have not heard from him since.”

“Why would he leave and give up the chance to become a knight? Doesn’t make much sense,” Jack said.

Calden snorted softly. “If you knew the circumstances you wouldn’t be saying that.” He offered no more information so they went back to staring into the fire.

After a couple of minutes Jack spoke up. “Are you scared?”

Calden and Lumis looked at each other, replying together, “Yes.”


The trio had made it past Ta’Ron in good time. They passed through the city quickly, staying only long enough to learn that Lord Dynure had joined forces with his brother, King Olegaurd, four days ago, and was marching toward Finarth. Ta’Ron was a vassal city to Annure, and although not as large, still held a standing army of five thousand. The combined force would reach the Lindsor Bridge and join forces with the Finarthian army within the week.

The three rode hard across the grasslands staying clear of all major roads. The long journey was uneventful until they set up camp two days from Finarth. Kiln decided it was okay to light a fire so he went about collecting wood. They had run into no problems and since they were not traveling the roads they had not seen anyone else since they left Ta’Ron. Kiln figured it wouldn’t hurt to have a fire for as long as it took to cook a warm meal. They could put Copyright 2016 - 2024