The Cavalier - By Jason McWhirter Page 0,139

chain mail shirt under his green tunic. He also wore a long sword dangling from a black leather sword belt cinched tight at the waist and knee high leather boots plated with pieces of shiny steel. Each guard held a long sharp spear with a thick wooden shaft.

The guard near them bowed slightly as they passed, and Jonas couldn’t help but notice that the guard was staring at Taleen and himself, focusing on their breast plates which bore the marks of their gods.

“Welcome, cavaliers,” the man announced. Jonas and Taleen nodded as they walked by the soldier.

“It seems I’m in the presence of royalty,” Kiln chuckled behind Jonas.

“Kiln is nearly right, Jonas. As a cavalier you will be welcomed everywhere and people will treat you with deference, but it comes with a price. You will also be asked to do things that may or may not be within your power. When the world has high expectations of you, it can be easy to let people down. We are not gods, but some people don’t seem to understand that.”

“True words, Taleen,” agreed Kiln.

“I can’t believe they recognized me as a cavalier,” Jonas said as they entered the main entrance to Annure.

“Look at yourself. If you were standing here three years younger, watching yourself walk through these gates, what would you think?” asked Kiln.

Jonas looked down at his immaculate clothes and shining armor. The symbol on his sparkling breast plate glittered like fish scales in the sun. His legs and wrists were covered with mirror-like metal guards all decorated with intricate designs. His incredible horned helm was strapped to his pack. That unique piece alone would draw someone’s attention. He wore two beautifully crafted swords at his belt and on his back was a black leather quiver also decorated with intricate symbols. The black shafts that jutted from the quiver were perfectly crafted with silver and blue feathers, which obviously did not come from nature. The gloss black long bow he carried in his hands was obviously built by a master craftsman. They were truly magnificent weapons.

“I see what you mean,” Jonas said, looking around him for the first time. Annure was bustling with activity. There were people everywhere, walking up and down the many streets lined with shops and markets of all kinds. Annure reminded Jonas of Finarth, except Annure was much cleaner and had more of an open feel.

Jonas took a deep breath, smelling the fresh air blowing in from the lake waters. The streets were spacious and all the structures were built from the same white stone that was used to create the immense walls that protected the city. It gave the place a god-like look and Jonas immediately felt safe here.

“We need to procure rooms and find out where the kulam is located,” Kiln announced as he, too, took in his surroundings.

“What’s a kulam?” asked Jonas.

“That is what the cavalier training facilities are called,” Taleen answered. “Let us ask a guard where good rooms and food may be found.”

“I agree, but let’s look around a bit first. It’s been a long time since I’ve been in a city like this and I wouldn’t mind exploring some,” said Kiln.

“I’d like that,” added Jonas, not able to hide his enthusiasm.

Kiln led the way and Jonas and Taleen followed closely. They walked down the main street looking at everything around them. It was loud with people shouting and selling wares everywhere they went. Jonas saw a large variety of fruits and vegetables and meats of every sort. He saw expensive cloth, beads, and intricately carved furniture that he had never seen before. The fragrance of exotic spices, baked bread, and fresh flowers mingled with the clean air that continuously blew in off the lake.

Everyone passed curious glancesat the trio at first until they saw the two cavaliers. Most people then quickly bowed their heads and muttered a greeting with a smile.

They walked by an alley and Jonas noticed a small boy huddled in the shadows. He was young, maybe eleven winters, and he wore dirty clothes. But it was not his clothing that caught Jonas’s eye. It was the crutch that lay next to him as he sat watching the people walk by, despair surrounding him almost palpable. Jonas noticed that his right foot was twisted and deformed, and in his right hand he held out a small tarnished cup, hoping that someone would stop and drop in a copper coin. His greasy hair was ratty and dirt covered his cheeks Copyright 2016 - 2024