The Cavalier - By Jason McWhirter Page 0,138

he was dumfounded when he looked up at the gates of Annure. The city walls were shining white and shot up towards the clouds like a god’s palace. There were no shacks or small homes speckling the land before the city. Spacious green grasslands, uncluttered by habitation, flowed right to the base of Lake Lar’nam where the city sat nestled into the water’s edge. At least ten round towers rose to the clouds, with the flag of Annure jutting from each one, all flapping in unison as the gentle breeze blew in off the expansive waters.

Kiln explained to them that Annure was a major port city and because of that they were able to charge high tariffs on goods imported into their lands. Lake Lar’nam was immense, like a fresh water ocean. It took weeks to sail across it, and many large trading ships went down in the turbulent winter storms.

Annure was a rich kingdom which brought many travelers throughout its lands every year. To live in Annure was costly, but the wages were higher than its neighboring towns. Good jobs were hard to find but if you managed to find work then you could live a good life in Annure. There was a high demand for dock workers, and since the pay was good, competition was steep.

Taleen had left her horse several miles from the city where it could graze in the grasslands. She explained to Jonas that a cavalier’s steed did not need to be stabled, that her steed would be there when she returned, refreshed and eager to travel.

“Will Kormac be okay out here by himself?” Jonas asked when Taleen left her animal standing in the middle of the field.

“He will. He can take care of himself.”

“But he’s not even tethered,” Jonas said, a little unsure about whether the horse would still be there when they returned.

“A cavalier’s steed does not need to be tethered, Jonas. Kormac will be here when I return.” Taleen smiled, seeing his expression of doubt. “Come, Jonas, let us see this Annure.”

As they neared the huge black gate Jonas stared up at the towering round buildings that seemed to poke holes in the clouds. The colossal gate was covered with sheets of black iron, in stark contrast to the white walls surrounding it. Jonas had never seen anything constructed in such size and strength.

“It would take a dragon to break through that gate,” Jonas said, awestruck by the sight.

“Indeed it would,” replied Kiln who was also staring in admiration at the seemingly indestructible wall.

There was a small caravan of six carts entering the gate before them. The caravan was flanked by guards, several on horseback. They all easily managed to fit through the expansive entrance. It looked like a merchant’s caravan and that thought momentarily brought Jonas’s mind to Allindrian and Landon. What were they both doing? Would he see them again?

Jonas was deep in thought as they entered the open gate. Two guards wearing the green of Annure stood on each side of the entrance. The Annurian royal crest, a ship sailing with the sun setting behind it, was embroidered in gold on the front of each tunic. Jonas was amazed at the intricate embroidery of the crest. They were works of art probably worth a small fortune.

Kiln saw Jonas’s eyes and answered his un-asked question. “Annure is a very rich kingdom. Not only do they earn high tariffs, but the mountains surrounding the kingdom are filled with precious minerals. King Olegaurd has several rich and productive mines in the area bringing in gold, silver, and lots of iron ore.”

“They must. If every guard is dressed like this, then the king must have a large treasury indeed.”

Annure was an open city and Kiln told them that they would not have a problem getting inside. Some cities were strict on who came and went, especially during certain times of the night. Annure had a strong city watch and the rules within the city were strictly enforced. It was not a place that welcomed pick pockets and thieves. The strong security made the city a welcoming environment to traders and anyone who was interested in honest work; therefore the city gates were open to all, as long as they walked the line of the law.

As they walked past one of the guards, Jonas noticed the man’s eyes sweep over them and widen slightly as he recognized the symbols on Jonas’s and Taleen’s breast plates. The middle aged man was outfitted with a long Copyright 2016 - 2024