Caught in the Storm of a Duke's - Abby Ayles Page 0,77

survived had we not stumbled upon your giant gates. We might not have lived through the cold night. If we had, and had managed to find shelter amongst the villagers, I do not think we would have received the sort of welcome that has been given to us here. What was only meant to last a few days, has instead lasted almost three months.”

She stopped as her voice cracked. Stephen felt a hand wrap around his heart and squeeze. His stomach knotted.

“Not once were we ever made to feel as though we did not belong here. Not once. We have been treated royally, with the utmost respect and warmth. You have only ever been gracious. It was easy for us to forget that we were not home in Charleveaux or at my aunt’s because Dunham started feeling like home somewhere along the way.”

She paused again. This time, to draw in a long breath.

“The time here, however short, has changed me forever. I will never forget the memories made here. So, thank you, for your hospitality and, most especially, for your friendship. Because of it, I did not feel so lonely.”

Stephen’s eyes started to sting, and he marveled at the strange sensation.

Could it be?

Surely not? It could not be tears. He had thought himself incapable of producing any after his losses.

Yet, as his eyes filled, he knew that, once again, this woman had given him something he had thought he could never again have.

“I shall miss Dunham very much, and I shall miss the people. I hope that the light and warmth do not go out after we leave. I hope things continue as they are now and that you all live long, hale, and heart lives. Thank you, Your Grace.”

As she finished, she sank into a deep and graceful curtsy, and Stephen could swear he saw a tear break free from her eyes.

His throat began to close. His chest felt tight. His mind was all muddled, and he could not think clearly.

He could only feel. A myriad of emotions he could not quite explain. Hearing her say those words had nearly broken him. Seeing her still sunk in her curtsy, her pretty head bowed in gratitude, made things even more difficult for him.

How could he let her leave like this? How could he let her leave at all? Without once telling her the healing she had wrought on his heart?

Without ever saying those words, the truth of how much he loved her.

How could he let her depart from his side when he knew he would spend the rest of his days in misery, missing her, pining for her?

The remainder of my days.

That was right. It was the reason why he was doing this, was it not? To spare her. Because his days were numbered.

“Please, my lady, rise,” he croaked.

She did as he asked, and when she looked him in the eye, he saw the tears flowing down hers, shamelessly.

He swallowed with difficulty because of the lump lodged in his throat. There were so many things he had to say but knowing he could not, he settled for a few simple words.

“If only you knew how much you have done for me, you would know that it is I who should be filled with such gratitude, and I am. Thank you, Lady Judith. For everything. Goodbye.”,

He turned around and walked out of the room, barely reaching the door before the tears began to pour from his eyes.

There was a pain in his chest so bad, it made it difficult to breathe.

He walked hurriedly to his chamber, seeking solace and privacy. When he finally found it, he fell to the ground and cried.

He wept for the years gone, the love lost, the cruelty of fate that still seemed so vindictive.

He mourned his broken heart, and hers.

The heart he had broken in his bid to protect her.

Chapter 29

He did not go to bid her goodbye.

Judith had known he did not intend to when he visited her chambers the night before to say his farewells. Still, she had hoped he would be there that morning as they left.

That she would look upon his face one last time and perhaps, finally summon up the courage to tell him of her heart’s feelings.

She had said a lot to him, that much was true. However, she had failed to say the most important things.

That she loved him, and that her heart was breaking. That she was already sick from missing him and she feared she would not Copyright 2016 - 2024