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Read Catching the Cowboy (Circle B Ranch #2) - Kennedy Fox Page 4 Book Online,Catching the Cowboy (Circle B Ranch #2) - Kennedy Fox Page 4 Free Book Online Read

Catching the Cowboy (Circle B Ranch #2) - Kennedy Fox Page 0,4

me through the mud in the process. Did she expect me to tell him? Is she pissed I didn’t?

Silence draws on until we pull up to their house. Riley passed out against the window, and drool is sliding down his chin.

“Can you cover for your brother?” I ask Rowan when I open the back door and hold out my hand to help her out. She dismisses me and jumps down. “Tell your parents he’s sleeping over at my house tonight?”

She shrugs, then nods. “Alright, fine.”

I shut the door and follow her to the porch. “Rowan, wait.”

She spins around, her face emotionless.

“You know I only denied it so he wouldn’t beat my face in, right?” My eyes plead with her to believe me.

“It doesn’t matter, Adam. I don’t care.”

I flinch at her harsh words. She leaned into me, I know she did, so why is she acting as if I’m the biggest inconvenience of her life?

Furrowing my brows, I step closer. “Was that really your first kiss?”

She bursts out laughing, crossing her arms. “Yeah right.”

“What the hell is your problem?” I finally ask.

Before she can respond, the front door swings open. “I thought I heard voices out here.” Alex looks at the two of us, squinting. “Where’s Riley?”

“We’re gonna hang out at my house if that’s alright?” I step away from Rowan. “I’ll make sure he’s at church tomorrow, though, sir.”

Alex nods, then looks at Rowan, smiling. “Did you have fun at the dance?”

Rowan glances at me before climbing the steps and nods. “It was fine, Dad. I’m tired, though.”

“Okay, kiddo. Let’s get you to bed then.”

“Good night,” I call out, waving to both of them. Alex waves, then shuts the door.

I drive Riley to my house in town and hope I don’t get pulled over in the process. My parents are asleep, so I quietly help him to the couch in my room. The asshole can sleep there without a pillow and blanket for putting me through this shit tonight. Hopefully, he’ll forget what he saw between his sister and me.

It seems as though Rowan already has, so perhaps I should too.

Though there’s really no way I can.

What she doesn’t know is that was my first kiss too, and I’ve been waiting for her.

I don’t understand why she’s so pissed, but I’ll do whatever it takes to figure it out.

Chapter One



“Damn,” I mutter as I roll out of bed, realizing I’m late as fuck for work. I probably shouldn’t have stayed up until two drinking, and I sure as hell shouldn’t have made out with that woman at the bar. I don’t remember her name, just her long legs and revealing neckline. As quickly as I can, I rush to the bathroom to piss, then brush my teeth, and that’s when I see the dark purple hickeys on my neck. Not one or two, but three are in plain sight. I should’ve called her Hoover, considering they’re the size of a vacuum hose.

“Shit,” I say after spitting out the toothpaste because I know I can’t cover them up. Wearing a turtleneck sweater in June might be more of a red flag than just owning up to my stupid mistake. I shrug, then rinse my mouth, and hurry to get dressed. This is why I stopped staying out late and drinking so much, but sometimes, those old habits reappear. Before leaving my modest cabin located on the Bishop Ranch, I text my boss, Alex, and let him know I’m running late.

Alex: I knew that an hour ago. Hurry your ass up.

Diesel: Yes, sir. I’ll be right there.

With a smile, I crank my truck and rush down the long dirt road toward the shop where we do our morning roundups. Riley’s dad holds staff meetings every morning so we’re on the same page. What’s needed around the ranch often changes for reasons like the weather or emergency repairs, so doing this each day is necessary. About six months ago, I was promoted to help manage a group of ranch hands, and together, we tend to the cattle. It’s a group effort, considering how large the property is, and while it’s a lot of hard work, I nearly sold my soul for this opportunity. There are days when all I do is sit in a saddle in the hot, blazing sun, sweating my ass off, but I wouldn’t have it any other way. The Circle B Ranch is my home, and I don’t plan to ever leave. I could be shoveling shit

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