Catching the Cowboy (Circle B Ranch #2) - Kennedy Fox Page 0,3

it’s brand-new information. If Rowan knew how much I watched and obsessed over her, she’d think I was batshit crazy. Hell, when it comes to her, there’s no doubt I am.

Riley would kick my ass if he ever found out.

As the music begins to fade, I frown at the anticipation of losing her touch. She blinks up at me, and a small smile plays on her lips that are only inches from mine. Forgetting where we are, who we are, I slide my hand up her arm and cup her cheek. I study her expression, waiting to see if she pushes me away, and when she doesn’t, I lean in closer.

She inhales sharply as my lips softly brush hers. I taste the fruit punch she must’ve drunk earlier, but we’re harshly interrupted before I can deepen the kiss. We pull apart when a loud commotion echoes through the gym.

“Fuck,” I mutter under my breath as I see Riley staggering toward the middle where we’re standing. “C’mon, we gotta go.”

I reach for her hand, but then think better of it and drop my arm. Riley’s wasted, bumping into tables and students as he nearly falls on his ass.

“What the hell?” I steady him, grabbing his arms. “Why didn’t you stay in the truck?”

“I couldn’t find you,” he stutters loudly. “You left me.”

Everyone stares, and when I look at Rowan, her cheeks are beet red. She’s embarrassed as hell, and it’s all my fault. If I had just waited outside for her, Riley would’ve never stumbled in here looking like a fool.

“You were passed out,” I tell him between gritted teeth. “I came in to grab Rowan.”

He blinks, looking around me as if he just realized his sister was next to me. “Oh.” He wobbles from side to side, and his eyes are in slits as he stares at us.

Ignoring his suspicious look, I straighten my shoulders and try to get us out of here fast. “Let’s go.”

I turn Riley around and walk him to the exit, hoping no one gives her shit for this later. While he picks on his sister regularly and has zero qualms about embarassing her in front of family, he’d never intentionally humiliate her in front of her classmates.

“Shotgun!” Riley shouts once we’re outside. How the hell he’s still standing is beyond me. He’s plastered, and if he doesn’t sit the fuck down, he’s going to vomit all over his truck.

I manage to get him into the passenger seat, and Rowan follows me to the driver’s side. She gets in the back, and I sit behind the wheel. Once we’re all buckled, I glance up in the rearview mirror and see her stunning brown eyes. We barely kissed, but I felt it all over. I wonder if she did too, but now isn’t the time to bring it up.

We’re halfway to the ranch when Riley perks up and looks over at me.

“I know I’m a little drunk…” he begins, slouching. “But did I see you kissing my sister in the gym?”

My eyes round, and I swallow down the panic streaming through my veins. He’s too drunk to really kick my ass at the moment, but that doesn’t mean I won’t pay for it tomorrow.

“Dude, what?” I contort my face. “You must be more hammered than I thought if you’re seeing me lock lips with your kid sister.”

He leans back against the seat. “I know what I saw,” he grumbles.

“You’re wrong,” I tell him flatly. “You must’ve seen another couple.”

Riley turns just enough to look at his sister. “Rowan?”

“What?” she asks as if she’s annoyed.

“Were you kissing my best friend?”

Without any hesitation, she replies, “Gross, no. He offered to dance with me, and that’s it.”

Riley scoffs, not believing her. “Then why was his mouth so close to yours?”

“Do you really think I’d waste my first kiss on him?” she spits out.

Jesus fuck.

That was her first kiss?

“He’s your annoying best friend who follows me around like a sad puppy,” she adds. “The last person on earth I’d ever want to kiss. If his mouth ever touched mine, I’d knee him in the jewels.”


Her words hurt like a thousand needle pricks. If her plan was to convince him it wasn’t real, she’s golden. If it was to hurt me in the process, then mission fucking accomplished.

“Dayum.” Riley whistles, slapping his knee.

I glance up into the mirror, seeing her narrowed eyes and tense jaw. What the hell? I denied it to save my friendship, but she went a step further, dragging Copyright 2016 - 2024