Cara MIA - By Book One of the Immortyl Revolution - By Denise Verrico Page 0,98

were troubled, but he smiled encouragement.

“Do as I say, we’ll get you through this. They’re very big on form. Even a slave gets the opportunity to plead her case and Brovik doesn’t want trouble with Gaius any more than you do. Keep your head.”

“I fully intend to.”

I hadn’t seen either elder in years. Brovik stood in front of the huge fireplace. Long, pale hair streamed over his shoulders, reflecting orange flames. Gaius sat casually, all in black, with four of his alphas standing behind, waiting to give me thumbs down. The alphas wore the usual dark clothing and grim expressions. It was meant to intimidate— and it was working. I struggled to maintain composure as Ethan had taught, Kurt clinging to my hand to steady me.

Brovik nodded coolly. “Thank you, Kurt. Leave us now.”

Kurt looked him dead on, standing his ground. “No.”

In spite of Kurt’s defiance, Brovik’s expression remained calm. “We’ll discuss this later.”

Kurt didn’t budge. “You gave her to me.”

Diego, an alpha with overly coiffed hair and a waxed black moustache sneered. “This isn’t form. The boy has no right.”

Brovik was at his chilliest. “He does if I give it to him.”

Gaius’s oily smile slid over his face as he leaned slightly forward in his seat to take the drama in. “Let the boy stay. His presence adds to the atmosphere.”

Kurt would have killed him if he could. Gaius wanted Kurt in a bad way, and I do mean bad, involving sharp implements and chains.

Brovik was annoyed, but kept his considerable cool. “Let’s get this over with. Mia, I’m sure Kurt has filled you in on why you’re here. Did you have anything to do with Dirk’s murder?”


Gaius put in his two cents. “Mortals describe a girl fitting your description with Dirk outside a hotel.”

“There are lots of petite, dark-haired girls in New York, in case you never noticed. He hired a hooker, who looks like me— that surprises you?”

“Gaius, are you satisfied? She claims innocence.”

The Wolf was nonplussed. “She’s learned subtlety and deception from Ethan. It grieves me to harm this lovely, talented child but I’ve lost my second and some very expensive property.”

“You’ve no proof the girl was there.”

“Old friend, you want to spare the feelings of your beloved servant but the girl must be bled. We’ll see if she tells the truth.”

Brovik sighed, as if the entire thing were an annoying inconvenience to his nightly walk in the woods. “Mia, now is the time to confess. I offer you a swift and painless death.”

“I didn’t do it.”

“You leave me no alternative.”

Kurt retorted, “You heard her! She’s innocent. All of his alphas despised Dirk. They hired a girl to make it appear Mia was behind it. Look to your alphas, Gaius!”

Uproar started among the alphas. Gaius just sat there chuckling.

Brovik’s voice dropped into a deadly register, “Consider what you’re saying, Kurt.”

“I’ve withstood their insults for years. Dirk was the worst of them. The world is well rid of him.”

Gaius was highly amused. He gestured casually toward Kurt. “This pretty one is worth more than the lot of you dogs.”

Diego’s pasty face went red. “I won’t be insulted by this rent boy.”

Wow, they’d struck the heart of Kurt’s deepest demon, and I’d seen what happens when this one awakened. Kurt trembled from head to foot. I worried he’d spring at Diego, but instead he lashed out at him verbally, “I’ve met your victims— living in sewers. One who takes children isn’t fit to live!”

Gaius chuckled. “Who would have guessed the boy capable of such passion?”

Kurt turned, North Sea cold, “You’re a pestilence on this earth.”

Brovik stepped between them. “Kurt, you overstep your bounds! Let’s get this done.”

Kurt whirled on his master. “No, you won’t do this!” Blue pinpoints of rage burned in his eye sockets. “Why must you constantly torment her?”

Brovik’s chill overtook the room. “Restrain her.”

Diego came forward bearing a pair of shackles. Kurt stepped between us. “Don’t you dare!”

Brovik dragged Kurt by the arm to my side. I’d never seen him so close to rage, seething, but on so tight a leash, that emotion escaped as a low, growl, “You claim her? Then it’s your duty! Bleed her!”

Utter disbelief flooded Kurt’s eyes. “You can’t make me.”

“It’s clear your loyalty is compromised.”

A realization finally struck Kurt, his voice fell to a shocked whisper, “You’re afraid of her!”

“I fear nothing, especially not this woman. Do it or I’ll give her to Gaius to do as he sees fit!”

I laid my hand on Kurt’s arm. “I’d rather none of Copyright 2016 - 2024