Cara MIA - By Book One of the Immortyl Revolution - By Denise Verrico Page 0,97

away with it.”

“They have no real proof.”

“If it wasn’t for you, I’d say why not just end it?

He held me very close to him. “Don’t say that. Not now when we’re so close. Mia, we’re on the very brink. The organism is isolated!”


“A symbiotic life form that inhabits our blood stream and invades our cells, mutating them. All we need to know is how this agent works.”

A chord sounded deep within. If my suspicions were correct, those discs I stole held an answer. “Where’s your laptop? You need to see something. When I wasted Dirk, he had this briefcase with discs inside, marked confidential. Something there is important enough to bring him here on New Year’s Eve in the middle of all this millennium bullshit.”

I retrieved the disks from under the floor. Kurt popped the first disk into his hard drive. A screen, bearing the she-wolf logo popped up. His eyes flitted over the menu as he took the mouse in hand, scrolling down to the words, sequence codes. He clicked and another screen came up. Kurt gasped as lines upon lines of letters appeared. It made no sense to me, but Kurt’s face flushed with excitement as he began to scroll down the pages rapidly, his eyes growing very, very wide.

“Mia, do you have any idea what you have here?”

“Some kind of code?”

“Exactly, genetic code, this is a DNA sequence!” He pulled out his cell phone. “I must call Brovik.”

I grabbed his arm to stop him. “Wait! It’s proof of what I did!”

“We can’t let Gaius crack this before we do. Brovik will keep this secret. Trust me.”

“Maybe it’s not what you think, maybe its DNA from a guinea pig or something.”

“Gaius wouldn’t send Dirk here for that. Of course, an expert must examine it. We may have isolated the agent, but if they’ve mapped the mutation. The two pieces put together could turn the tide. This is the real thing Mia, I’m sure of it. We must tell Brovik.”

I grabbed his arm again. “No, he’s never liked me. It’s a perfect excuse to get rid of me.”

“He’ll reward you for your foresight.”

“Maybe we can make use of it ourselves.”

“Don’t be ridiculous, Mia. We haven’t the resources.”

“No, but you have access.”

He suddenly looked suspicious. “Who put this preposterous idea into your head?” It dawned on him. “You have seen her.”

“Three months ago. She has a line on this biotech firm.”

“Which she proposes to steal from under Brovik! He turned his eyes back to the screen, closing out the file. “I never heard this.”

“I’m not as optimistic as you about Brovik’s vision for the future. I try to see myself in it but I can’t. At the moment our relationship is convenient, but he could easily change his mind. We’ll sell the diamonds and run away!”

He had that same stricken look as when I’d stolen his essence. “Have you gone mad? I’m already risking my neck for you. There’s only so much influence I have, it’s wearing thin.”

“Exactly, you’re sick of all this. If Dirk had killed you, all Gaius would have to do is pay Brovik off for his losses. Yet, because I killed the scum of the earth I could be executed. Is that fair?”

“Of course it’s not fair! But we must survive until things change!”

“I’m offering an alternative. Think about it.”

“Impossible! We’d never make it without Brovik!”

“Which one of us do you love?”

Shadows of pain fell over him. “You know how it is… He’s my maker, but I’d give my life for you.” He popped the disc out of the computer, looking around furtively. “We can’t risk being caught with these.”

“You’ll have to leave him someday.”

“Not now, Mia, please, we must get you through this ordeal.”

“He’s threatened that something bad will happen to me if you don’t bring me to him?”

I’d never seen Kurt so close to losing it. “If I don’t deliver you, he’ll give Gaius leave to do as he pleases. Okay, we’ll lock the discs up for now, and decide later what to do with them.”

He called Brovik to tell him that he’d be bringing me back to Norway the following night. Then we made love, in the mad, abandoned and ultimately sad way you do, when you know it might be your last time.


* * * *

My jeans and leather jacket provided little protection against the sub-zero wind, as we boarded the ferry to Brovik’s island. Kurt held me close to both keep me warm and from running away in terror. His eyes Copyright 2016 - 2024