Calder Brand - Janet Dailey Page 0,59

Jesse did for me. The last thing you deserve is to get in trouble with the boss.”

Rusty spat a stream of tobacco juice onto the ground. “I wouldn’t mind hearing your story myself—the real version, not the one you’d tell Benteen.”

“It’s a long one.” Joe hesitated. He’d have no problem telling Rusty how he was rescued by the McCrackens, and how he finally escaped to find a place with Elijah. But how could he justify going back with the outlaws just to get revenge on Benteen Calder? Rusty was loyal to his boss. That part of the story wouldn’t set well. But considering what the old man had done for him, Joe knew that he deserved to hear the truth—the whole truth.

Joe was about to begin when Sarah appeared at the back door to call them to breakfast. Joe breathed a secret sigh of relief.

“How much does she know?” Rusty whispered as they walked back toward the house.

“Not much more than what you told her when you brought me here.”

“Fine, I’ll keep your secret,” Rusty said. “Sooner or later, you’ll have to come to terms with what you did. But I guess that’ll have to be on your own conscience.”

They sat down to a hearty breakfast, with Rusty and Sarah making small talk, about life on the trail and her hopes of becoming a doctor. Joe ate in silence, glancing from one to the other. He owed his life to these good people. Didn’t he owe them the truth, as well?

But he knew he wasn’t ready to tell them. He wasn’t ready to face the disgust in Sarah’s eyes or the disappointment on Rusty’s face when he confessed that it had been his own choice to help the rustlers steal Benteen Calder’s cattle.

When the meal was over, Rusty excused himself and went out to the buggy to get Joe’s saddle and the other gear he’d brought. Joe went out with him, to help.

“I can take that,” he said as Rusty lifted the saddle out of the wagon.

“Not on your life. You don’t want to open up that wound. You can take the lighter things.”

After gathering up the bridle and blanket, the canteen, and a few other odds and ends, Joe followed Rusty around the house to the shed, where they stowed his gear in an out-of-the-way corner.

Rusty turned to face him. “Will I see you in Montana—that is, if you don’t get into more trouble on the way?”

“That’s the plan,” Joe said. “Believe me, I’ve had enough trouble to last the rest of my life.”

“To find the ranch, just follow the cattle trails. If you get lost, there’ll be plenty of folks you can ask. They all know the Calder place. It’s the biggest spread in the territory.”

Of course, it would be, Joe thought. Benteen Calder was ruthlessly ambitious. Nothing less than the biggest ranch would do for him. But Joe wasn’t sure he was ready to show up there as a saddle bum with nothing to call his own but his horse and gear.

“There’s a little town nearby,” Rusty continued. “Not much more than a bump in the road. It’s called Blue Moon. You can get a drink there and buy some supplies.”

“Thanks, I’ll remember that,” Joe said.

“Your pistol’s in one of the saddlebags. It’s still loaded. You might want to keep it someplace handy. And one more thing before I go.” Rusty fixed Joe with his stern gaze. “I’ve noticed how Sarah looks at you. I may be an old man, but I haven’t forgotten the signs that a woman’s in love.”

“What?” Joe felt as if he’d been punched. “But she’s already got a man coming around. He’s older and rich. She even lets him kiss her. She couldn’t be in love with me.”

“Then you’re blind, or not as smart as I used to think you were. But here’s why I’m telling you this. Sarah’s a fine, tenderhearted girl. If you don’t do right by her—if you break her heart, then you’re worse than a cattle thief. If you can’t give her what she needs, be a man and get out of her life as soon as you’re fit to go. Understand?”

But what if I love her, too? Joe knew better than to speak those words aloud. “I understand,” he said.

“Then I’ll leave you with that. I hope to see you in Montana. If not, I wish you well, Joe Dollarhide.” Rusty extended a trail-roughened hand. Joe shook it.

“Thanks for everything. I owe you, Rusty.”

“Well, if you do, Copyright 2016 - 2024