Calder Brand - Janet Dailey Page 0,58

he could come back for Sarah. But he couldn’t expect her to be here. And he certainly couldn’t ask her to wait. Fate had brought them back together for this short time only. All he could do was savor every moment before he had to leave her.


THREE MORNINGS LATER, RUSTY STOPPED BY THE HOUSE. SARAH ANSWERED the door to find the old man standing on the porch. The chuckwagon was parked outside the gate, with a buckskin horse tethered to the tailgate.

“Come on in.” Sarah was delighted to see him. “Breakfast is almost ready. You’re welcome to join us.”

“That’s a right kind offer, and I do believe I’ll take you up on it.” Rusty glanced around the room. “Where’s our patient? Don’t tell me the boy didn’t make it!”

“Oh, he made it all right,” Sarah said. “He’s out back tending to my mule and feeding the chickens. I told him he wasn’t strong enough to help with chores, but he insisted.”

“So he’s healin’ up all right?”

“He’s done amazingly well. The dressing’s off his head, and his shoulder wound is almost ready to uncover. But the wound in his side is going to take more time. An old woman who came by a while back gave me a dried plant she’d used as a poultice for wounds. She said she learned about it from her mother, who was half-Pawnee. I was a little hesitant to try it, but it’s worked wonders.”

“I brought his horse,” Rusty said. “That’s it tied behind the wagon. I’ve got the saddle and bridle and his other gear, too. He won’t be up to ridin’ for a spell, but he’ll need it when he’s ready to leave. I’m hopin’ you’ll let me put the horse out back for now.”

“Of course. You’ll see a shed with a corral next to it. Joe can show you where to put the horse and tack. And maybe you can make sure he isn’t overdoing. I worry that he might open up that wound again. I’ll call you when breakfast is ready.”

He turned to step out the front door again, then paused. “Is the cash holding out? Have you got enough to last?”

“There’s plenty, thank you. And please thank Mr. Calder.”

“I just might do that, if I choose to tell him about it.” Rusty headed outside to get Joe’s horse.

* * *

Joe was forking hay into the mule’s feeder. He could feel the lingering weakness and the strain on his body as he worked, but being out in the fresh air, doing something useful, was better than any medicine. He’d heard the sound of horses out front but, guessing that Everett might be paying Sarah a visit, he’d kept his head down and continued working.

“Hey, Joe!” He glanced up at the sound of a familiar voice. Rusty was coming around the house, leading the buckskin gelding that had been left with the remuda after Joe had been shot and taken to town.

“Rusty! What a surprise. And you brought Flint. I was afraid I’d never see that horse again.”

“Your gear’s in the wagon. I’ll bring it around before I go.” Rusty handed Joe the lead rope. “That horse is a good ’un. A couple of the boys rode him and wanted to keep him in the remuda with the other rustlers’ horses. I had a devil of a time makin’ up an excuse to take him away.”

“He’s Kiowa broke,” Joe said, letting the horse into the corral. “An old man who’d lived with the Kiowa taught me how to do it. But that’s a long story. Thanks for coming by—and for dropping me here. Sarah saved my life. And she’s been taking good care of me.”

“She’s a peach. And prettier than a Texas sunrise. You could do a lot worse than her, Joe Dollarhide.”

“I know. But Sarah’s got other plans—and so have I. Since you’re here, I’m guessing the herd’s made it to Ogallala.”

“That’s right. We’ve been camped on the plain, resting, for the past couple of days. We’ll be movin’ out first thing tomorrow. So far nobody knows about you bein’ alive but me and Jesse. The men didn’t see your face, not even the man who shot you. As far as they’re concerned, you died with your rustler pals. But I need to ask. What do you want us to tell Benteen?”

“Nothing yet. I’ll be heading to Montana myself, and I’d kind of like to surprise him. Don’t worry. When I tell my story, I won’t mention what you and Copyright 2016 - 2024