Calculated Risk (Triumph Over Adversity #1) - Lynn Shannon Page 0,48

to sit on the street. Combined with the state-of-the-art security system, Addison’s home was secure. And yet, unease knitted Jason’s muscles. He agreed with Addison’s assessment at the hospital. Michael and Wendall were growing increasingly desperate. They would try something again, and soon.

The question was: what?

Connor nudged his arm. The scar along the side of his body was darker than the surrounding hair. Jason stroked his dog’s head. “You feel it too, huh, buddy?”

The patter of footsteps on the hardwood proceeded Addison into the room. She’d showered, exchanging her smoke-filled clothes for a comfy set of yoga pants and a long T-shirt. Thick socks covered her feet. She wasn’t wearing makeup and her hair was left loose. It flowed like a silk curtain of curls around her shoulders and down her back. Jason’s heart clenched at the sight of her.

Connor jogged over to greet Addison. She planted a kiss in between the dog’s eyes, talking to him in a low and soothing voice. Jason couldn’t make out the words, but Connor’s tail swiped across the floor in a steady rhythm. The dog loved Addison.

He wasn’t the only one. Addison had wriggled her way into Jason’s heart and there was no turning back. She was gorgeous—there was no question about that—but it went far deeper than her looks. Her innate kindness, her bravery, her faith…everything about her pulled Jason closer.

He would do anything for her. Anything.

Addison smiled and gestured to the coffee table. Hot tea sat steaming in mugs next to slices of apple pie straight from Nelson’s Diner. “Is that for us? Where did you get the pie?”

“I called the owner and asked him for a favor. He had one of his busboys deliver the pie. After today, I figured you deserved some TLC.” He took one last glance out of the window before releasing the curtain. Everything was quiet.

Addison snagged a plate. She used her fork to cut through the flaky crust and tender apples before taking a bite. She made a throaty hum of satisfaction. “This is even better than the one Kyle brought. Thank you, Jason.”

“Wait until you try their chocolate silk pie.” He grinned. “It’ll make you weep with happiness.”

She scowled playfully. “You told me apple was the best.”

“It is, but you can never go wrong with any of the desserts.” Jason picked up his own plate. “Did you reach Chloe? How is she?”

“Better.” Addison sank onto the couch, absently reaching out to stroke Shelby. The cat was curled up on the arm of the sofa. “Kyle and Chloe have hit it off. She sounded a lot less stressed than when we spoke to her at the hospital. They’ve reached the cabin and are settling in.”

“I think it’s a good thing only a few of us know where she is. I’m sure that makes Chloe feel safer.”

“It does. Has there been any news from Grady?”

“He’s got every officer in the state looking for Wendall. Undercover police are watching Michael, so if he makes a move, we’ll know about it. Grady went and spoke to Steven as well, but didn’t get any additional information out of him.”

Addison’s hand slowed as it traveled down the cat’s back. “Steven. I don’t know what to think about him. Part of me is sympathetic, but another part is angry.”

“That’s reasonable. He betrayed your trust. You were in danger, Steven knew about it and said nothing. I think that would make anyone angry.”

“I suppose you’re right.”

Jason joined her on the couch. Connor settled at their feet with a sigh. The lamp light cast a warm glow over Addison’s features. She picked at the pie with her fork. “The cabin Chloe’s staying at…is that the one you go to every year?”

“It is. My grandfather built it. He used to take me there as a kid and we’d spend our days hiking and fishing. That’s why I go there on the anniversary of the bombing. The cabin reminds me of when life was simple. Before things got so hard.”

Addison set her pie on the table and turned to face him. “We never finished the conversation on my porch. I know this isn’t the best timing in the world, but after nearly dying today, I don’t want one more minute to go by without saying this. I’m falling in love with you, Jason.”

He inhaled sharply. Hope bloomed followed by a bone-crushing fear. “Addy…”

“Wait, let me finish. I understand you’re trying to protect me, but I don’t need you to. I’m a grown woman, capable of Copyright 2016 - 2024