Calculated Risk (Triumph Over Adversity #1) - Lynn Shannon Page 0,47

said, his tone patient and sympathetic. “We can go as slowly as you need.”

His words had the right effect. Chloe took several deep breaths and her hold on Addison’s hand relaxed. She licked her lips. “The man in the ski mask punched me in the face, which was enough to disorient me. He dragged me into his vehicle. I waited for him to start driving, and then I jumped from the car.” She lifted the cast. “That’s how I broke my arm.”

“Can you describe the attacker?”

“Not really. He was about your height. Strong.” She bit her lip. “It all happened so fast. I don’t remember much.”

“What about the vehicle he was driving? Do you know what kind it was?”

“An SUV. I’m not very good with cars, so I can’t tell you the make and model. It was dark blue, though, and older.” Her eyes widened slightly. “And it had some kind of decal on the front windshield. It looked like a gremlin holding a cigarette.”

Addison inhaled sharply, her muscles tightening involuntarily. Wendall’s SUV. Her father-in-law had attacked Chloe. Could he be working with Michael? She didn’t know of any connection between the two men, but it was the only thing that made sense.

Grady walked Chloe through the attack several times, but she couldn’t provide additional information. She twisted the sheet with her hand. “I don’t know what to do. The hospital is going to release me. I can’t go back to my apartment, and I’m too scared to stay at my mom’s.”

“I can provide protection for you, ma’am. We have safe houses—”

“No.” Her tone was sharp. Chloe seemed to catch herself because she closed her eyes and waited a beat before reopening them. “I’m sorry, Grady. You seem like a nice man, but my husband has connections in law enforcement. I don’t trust you completely.”

“I may have a solution.” Jason stepped forward. “My grandfather left me a cabin near Huntsville. It’s difficult to find and off the beaten path. You and your family will be safe there. My friend, Kyle, can go with you to provide protection. He’s former military. I would trust him with my life.”

“So would I,” Addison said.

Chloe scanned both their faces before slowly nodding. “I don’t have many options, and I’ll do anything to keep my daughter safe. I would like to meet Kyle beforehand though.”

Jason took out his phone. “I’ll text him to come to the hospital. There’s no pressure, Chloe. If you don’t want Kyle to go with you, the offer of the cabin still stands. We can arrange for private security, perhaps. But that might take time and I would prefer if you were with someone I trusted.”

The tension in her shoulders dropped even more. “Thank you, Jason. I agree it would be better to be with someone you know. Please ask Kyle to come and meet me. I’ll decide after he and I talk.”

Jason made the arrangements and then he and Grady stepped out into the hall. Addison made sure Chloe was settled before joining them. From the way Chloe’s eyes were drifting shut, she was going to sleep for a while.

The hallway smelled like a mixture of bleach and corn dogs. Phones rang in the nurse’s station. Addison waited until the door to Chloe’s room closed completely before turning toward the two men. “I think Wendall and Michael are working together. It’s the only explanation that makes sense and fits with the evidence we have.”

Grady’s expression was pensive. “Is there any connection between the two men?”

“Not to my knowledge. But Michael is smart and ruthless. I guarantee, once I became Chloe’s attorney, he researched me. Maybe even hired private investigators. He could’ve discovered Wendall that way.”

“We considered Michael had hired a hit man,” Jason added. “Wendall would be a good candidate. He already hates Addison. Throw in a pile of cash and it’s a no-brainer for a criminal like him.”

Grady nodded. “I agree it makes sense, but right now, it’s all conjecture. We don’t have evidence Wendall and Michael are working together.”

Addison’s insides turned cold. “Finding it won’t be easy. And since kidnapping Chloe failed, both Michael and Wendall will be desperate. They’ll attack again. Soon.”


There was nothing worse than waiting for the enemy to make a move.

Jason parted the curtains on a window in Addison’s living room and stared into the yard. A shadow moved along the tree line.

Nathan. The Green Beret had taken the first shift patrolling the area around Addison’s house. Grady had also stationed a state trooper Copyright 2016 - 2024